A Reflection on the terrorist attacks in Israel

First-century Christians and many of us today struggle – and rightfully so –when others seemingly deny their humanity by treating others inhumanely.  The slaughtering of the innocents shortly after the birth of Christ, His torturing and crucifixion, the genuinely brutal and cruel treatment of early Christians at the hands of unbelievers, and the atrocities that continue to be committed by perverse and depraved individuals simply trouble our souls.  When we add to this the further breakdown and lawlessness of society, its perversity, and the utter confusion of humanity between what is right and wrong, or to put it more plainly, what is Godly and what is evil, it’s an exceptionally challenging season in which to be a Christian. 


I share these thoughts as I attempt to make sense of the atrocities committed by terrorists against noncombatants, specifically innocent men, women, and children, in Israel this weekend.  The death toll for Israel is far greater in number per capita than what we experienced on 9/11.  As one writer calculated, it would equate to over 24,000 Americans losing their lives on that September day.  It's too many, whether 900 or 3,000 people, respectively.  


It’s never simply “their” problem or misfortune.  If we’re being honest, individuals treat others inhumanely on every continent.  And, lest we forget, we live in a state that is becoming all the more plagued by poverty, crime, drug addiction, and depravity. Our region is also a center of human trafficking.


Be assured that until the Lord returns in glory, individuals and their nations will continue to war against or exploit others. It’s an unfortunate reality that we must address. Complacency is never an option; neither are passion-induced responses rooted in anger or aggression. If we cease to love God and love our enemies, blindly follow clerics who have ceased to preach the Gospel, calling no one to repentance, or subscribe to modern legalism that strains out a gnat yet swallows a camel, making salvation accessible only to their chosen few, we are left with few Godly responses to the plight of others, both the victims and the aggressors.  Again, if we’re being honest:


Their pain must be my pain.  

Their sin must be accepted as less than the gravity of my sin.


We must choose to remain obedient to Jesus Christ and His Church.  As a Eucharistic assembly, we gather in the Spirit of Truth to receive the Incarnate Truth to then proclaim Truth, even to those held captive by sin.  Humble ourselves, confess our sins, and embrace a posture of repentance when we sin before God and others.   Do not wish greater evils to befall those taken in iniquity.  If God wills that “all be saved and come to the knowledge of truth,” then we must pray that hearts soften, that there is repentance, and that God is merciful even as temporal justice is served.  Faithfully read the Scriptures, looking for answers by which to live. It’s never enough to merely preach.  Fervently petition the Mother of God and the Saints to intercede, knowing they’ve fought the good fight and stand victorious before the Lord.   Hope that even while suffering, God’s will (salvation for His children) is being worked out in the lives of His faithful.  And, trust that the Lord remains near those who suffer or whose lives are taken unjustly. 


In 2022, Patriarch Daniel of Romania composed a beautiful prayer with which I close.  I also invite you to add it to your devotion:


Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who art the Source of life and peace in heaven and on earth, pour out the grace of your peace on a world troubled by war and hatred.

Extinguish the differences and enmity between humans and pour into the hearts of all humility, peace, and goodness. Calm the warriors and give them wisdom.

Give help to the suffering, protection to the refugees or homeless, comfort to the alienated and sorrowful, and give us all the will and strength to help, with all our hearts, our brothers and sisters who suffer from war.

You said: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Teach us to seek to acquire peace of heart and peace among men and peoples, for, in the heart in which peace is found, there is no longer enmity, love of dominion or fear, but the consolation of the Holy Spirit, love of God and love of our neighbors.

For this we humbly pray to You, O Christ our God, for peace among men in every country, for peace among peoples, and for the welfare of the whole world, that we may live in harmony and may work without hindrance deeds pleasing to You, glorifying the philanthropic love of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Trunk or Treat scheduled for Oct 27!

Please join us on Friday, October 27th at 6:00pm for St Anna's trunk or treat event. Food, Fun and games.  Please make sure to decorate your trunk to enter and try to win our contest. If you want to bring a game so our children can engage highly recommended.  Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up.

All trunks participating come at 5:30 to decorate and set up. Please keep it respectful. 

Thank you!

Yet Another Reason To Be Thankful for our Recent Orthodox Food Festival and New Shrine

As the second priest, I have yet to weigh in on our Orthodox Food Festival of 2023, and by weigh in I mean, to say this: thank you. For you see, you and I and the parish of St. Anna's are benefitting directly from the kindness, love, care and genuine Christian hospitality that you all have so generously lavished out upon the community of Roseville; all those who came to our festival, and to all those who have come to our church at some time or another, and you don't even know it...yet.  You might be asking yourself, what is Fr. Seraphim talking about? Well, let me explain:

We began our Survey of Orthodoxy course here at St. Anna's last week, like we normally do, right after the Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross. And like we always do, we invite all those that have visited our little church, whether it be on a Sunday or during our Orthodox Food Festival, to come and learn about the Orthodox Christian faith through our Survey of Orthodoxy Catechism course. And as usually happens, a small group of people tend to take the opportunity to sign up and begin attending.  On average this group averages 10 - 15 people in size... but not this year. 

When I opened the doors to our fellowship hall that night, to let the new catechumens in, I was stunned to see the number of people who were lined up outside waiting. It quickly became apparent that I didn't have enough tables and chairs set up for all those that wished to attend. So more tables were quickly added and chairs set up, and what should have been a small, intimate class, turned into something much bigger than I could ever have anticipated. That was just in person too. Little did I know that there'd be more people online waiting to get in as well. I won't say how many have begun attending the class, but I will quote a line from one of my favorite movies, "We're going to need a bigger boat." (fortunately we have a big hall to accommodate them).

But how does all of this relate to the Orthodox Food Festival, and the people who have visited here you might ask? That answer is to be found in the near-unanimous response to the very first question that I had to ask that first night. See, due to my surprise at the number of participants who were at the class, I asked the obvious question that was burning in the front of my mind: What gives? Why are you all here?  And here, beloved, is the reason why I feel the need to thank you all.

The near unanimous response to my question about why they were all here(there) was this: Because we were invited and we felt welcomed. Let me emphasize the second half of the answer: we felt welcomed. My next question obviously had to be, when did this happen? To which they responded: at your festival, at your church services on Sunday, during your new church tour, etc... To say that I was deeply humbled by this answer, but also extremely proud of our little parish at the same time would be a serious understatement. Holy scripture is very clear: "By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35 and what this verse implies is this: ... and since these people, who are outside of the Orthodox faith, but are created in God's image nonetheless, and who, by being created in God's image, were created to be loved by God and therefore by extension, by God's Church as well, they will naturally respond to this perceived expression of love,  and will want to be part of it and will ultimately want that experience God's love for themselves. 

So if I may weigh in on our Orthodox Food Festival and the hospitality of Christ's Church to which you all have so generously given through your time, talents and treasures, all of which has been done with gracious and loving hearts: thank you.

May God, through His most Holy Mother and our Patron Saint, His grandmother, St. Anna, ever guide, guard, intercede,bless and love you in all that you do. 

In Christ's love,

Fr. Seraphim Ivey

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land & St. Katherine Monastery, Sinai

It is with great joy that we share information about our forthcoming Spiritual Odyssey to the Holy Land and St. Katherine Monastery in Sinai.  Our travel dates are January 15 – 26, 2024 - 12 Days /10 Nights. Father Michael Kouremetis, Fr. Stephen Howell, and I will lead our pilgrimage.  Completed paperwork and a deposit are due by October 10.  If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Stephen at Cloud Tour.  Space will be limited.

Archangel Gabriel Bookclub

Archangel Gabriel Bookstore is relaunching its book club.  We’ll discuss a different book each month.  Meetings will be on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, one session at 9 a.m. and the other after Akathist at approximately 6:30 p.m., to accommodate varying schedules.  We plan to meet inside the bookstore, moving to the Founders’ Hall if more space is required.

Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, October 4th, at 9 a.m., allowing folks to read Wounded by Love by Saint Porphyrios (it’s been mentioned a few times during recent homilies). Our November book will be Father Arseny.  

You do not have to have finished the book to attend the book club!  If you like, note any favorite passages in the text or any that gave you new insight or guidance in your own life to be shared with others in discussion.  As we read a new book each month, we will not cover the text page by page in detail (as in Bible study) but will share high points or ponder questions.

Orthodox Christian Studies

Studies in the Faith

Orthodox Christian Adult Catechism

A course of studies covering how the early church taught, developed, lived, and worshipped. The topics to be covered are:  Pentecost: The Birth of the Church; Baptism: The Rite of Initiation; Orthodox Faith as a Pre‐requisite for Holiness; The Ordained Ministries; Scripture and the Church; The Seven Great and Holy Councils; Dogma and Statements of Faith; The House of Worship; Iconography; Hymnography; The Liturgy; The Liturgical Day, The Ecclesiastical Year and; The Mysteries of the Church

Tuesdays 7 PM - 8:15 PM 

For more information, please contact Fr. Seraphim Ivey at: frseraphim@saintanna.org  or 916-772-9372.


Scriptural Studies

The books of the Bible, canonized by the Council of Laodicea in 363, are prayerfully interpreted with respect to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, the Councils, the writings and lives of the Saints, Divine Services, and the Holy Mysteries. 

Two classes meet weekly in Founder’s Hall:


Tuesdays, 11 AM-12:30 PM- The Book of Maccabees 

For more information, please contact Fr. Christopher Flesoras at frchris@saintanna.org or 916-772-9372.


Thursdays, 6:30 PM – 8 PM- The Book of Exodus

For more information, please contact Fr. Seraphim Ivey at frseraphim@saintanna.org  or 916-772-9372.


Lincoln Bible Study, 6:30 PM-The Book of Revelation

Meets on 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 PM in Lincoln. 

Please contact Dcn. Joseph for more information: dnjoseph@saintanna.org.


Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Book Club

Introducing a great opportunity for individuals desiring Christian spiritual development...  A book is selected each month by the Archangel Gabriel Bookstore Staff.  Two sittings are then scheduled in Founders’ Hall to discuss our readings.  For more information, please contact Anna Tsu: anna.tsu@saintanna.org

A note of gratitude

Reverend Fathers, Stewards, and Friends of St. Anna Parish,

Although the hour is late, I didn’t want the day to close without saying “thank you.”  Thank you for your love of Christ, His Church, and our greater community.  Thank you for the countless hours in meetings, prepping the grounds, preparing food and drink, working throughout the weekend, and breaking it all down this evening and again in the morning.  I can only imagine how exhausted (and sore) some of our stewards and festival volunteers must be. Still, there wasn’t a complaint from our older or youngest of stewards, nor the members of the Sierra College football team who were moving items back into storage late into the evening, or even one of our young adults who flew home on Friday to work the festival for the weekend to then return to school on the earliest flight tomorrow morning.

What made our festival successful was that the weekend was an offering.  We offered what naturally springs forth from our time in divine services…a sense of thankfulness, a joy in serving, and a genuine concern and love for others.  This is Orthodox Christianity in its purest; what is believed is freely expressed.

Yesterday, we began our day with the Orthros and Liturgy commemorating the Feast of Ss. Joachim and Anna.  Later in the day, we prayed Great Vespers, pausing the music and dancing to prepare for Sunday services and to thank God for His goodness.  This morning, we again celebrated Orthros and Divine Liturgy.  And, then, this evening, we closed our day and our Festival with the Akathist of Thanksgiving.  The intentionality of praying over the weekend shouldn’t be lost on anyone.  This is our Orthodox Christian Faith. We begin and close all things that are good in prayer.

I ask that you please keep two of our beloved stewards, George and Maria, in your prayers.  Both experienced some health issues this weekend but seem to be doing well.  May God grant them healing and health.  

Sadly, the presvytera (priest’s wife) in Chico, Priscilla, fell asleep in the Lord early this morning. May her memory be eternal.  May our Lord also grant the comfort of the Holy Spirit to Fr. Ian, their family, Ss Cyril and Methodius parish,  and all who grieve her passing.    

In closing, it is a privilege to call Saint Anna my family's spiritual home.  I’m so thankful that my children have such God-loving, joy-filled, and gracious examples to emulate as they mature in years and stature.  As uncertain as things are in the world, these “gifts” are priceless and life-giving.   

May our Lord grant each of you every blessing through the intercessions of Saints Joachim and Anna and St. Ephrosynos the Cook.  
Again, thank you.

+fr. Christopher

PS.  I neglected to thank our friends who traveled back to our region from Maryland, Texas, Wisconsin, Arizona, Washington, and Nevada to work at the Festival.  What a testament to our beloved community of St. Anna!  May she ever intercede on our behalf!

2024 Three Hierarchs Academic Lecture Announced - Carlos Colon, Baylor University

We are pleased to announce that Carlos Colon, a Resident Scholar and Assistant Director for Worship and Chapel of the Office of Spiritual Life at Baylor University will offer the 2024 Academic Lecture. He will explore “Journeying with the Psalms of Ascent and Lament” as a composer and liturgist.

About Carlos

Carlos Colón was born in Chalchuapa, El Salvador. When he was 14, he was forced to leave El Salvador and took refuge in Guatemala City. A resident of the United States since 1986, he holds a B.M. from Belmont University and an M.M. from Baylor University. He became a U.S. citizen in 2001.
His music has been performed at festivals in the United States and abroad. Recently, his music has been performed at Carnegie Hall, Venezuela National Radio, the Calvin Worship Symposium, and the Festival de Música Contemporánea of El Salvador. His music has also received acclaim in England, Cuba, and other countries.

Colón’s international heritage and personal experience of civil war inform his compositions’ calls to justice, peace, and beauty. Las Lamentaciones de Rufina Amaya, a requiem in memory of the victims of El Mozote (where the Salvadorian army massacred 800 peasants in 1981*), was premiered at Baylor University’s Armstrong Browning Library in 2008. It has also been performed in Dallas by the Texas Voices; in El Salvador by the choir of the National Opera; and in Grand Rapids by the Choral Scholars.

Obertura Para Un Mártir,** a work commemorating slain Archbishop Oscar Romero, was commissioned by the President and First Lady of El Salvador and premiered there in 2010.
Colón and his family reside in Waco, TX.

* http://elsalvadormusical.blogspot.com/2008/05/las-lamentaciones-de-rufina-amaya-parte.html
** For more on El Mozote see Mark Danner’s article in The New Yorker: http://www.markdanner.com/articles/show/the_truth_of_el_mozote
*** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjKLV66HAww
– See more at: http://www.baylorisr.org/scholars/c/colon-carlos/#sthash.A4lFmtTv.dpuf

Fall Study Classes

A Survey of the Early Church

A course of studies covering how the early church taught, developed, lived, and worshipped. The topics to be covered are:  Pentecost: The Birth of the Church; Baptism: The Rite of Initiation; Orthodox Faith as a Pre‐requisite for Holiness; The Ordained Ministries; Scripture and the Church; The Seven Great and Holy Councils; Dogma and Statements of Faith; The House of Worship; Iconography; Hymnography; The Liturgy; The Liturgical Day, The Ecclesiastical Year and; The Mysteries of the Church. For more information, please contact Fr. Seraphim Ivey at: frseraphim@saintanna.org  or 916-772-9372.


Scriptural Studies

The books of the Bible, canonized by the Council of Laodicea in 363, are prayerfully interpreted with respect to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, the Councils, the writings and lives of the Saints, Divine Services, and the Holy Mysteries. 

Two classes meet weekly in Founder’s Hall:

Tuesdays, 11 AM-12:30 PM- Maccabees

For more information, please contact Fr. Christopher Flesoras at: frchris@saintanna.org or 916-772-9372.

Thursdays, 6:30 PM – 8 PM- The Book of Exodus

For more information, please contact Fr. Seraphim Ivey at: frseraphim@saintanna.org  or 916-772-9372.


Lincoln Bible Study, 6:30 PM-The Book of Revelation

Meets on 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 PM in Lincoln.  Please contact Dcn. Joseph for more information: dnjoseph@saintanna.org.


Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Book Club

Introducing a great opportunity for individuals desiring Christian spiritual development...  A book is selected each month by the Archangel Gabriel Bookstore Staff.  Two sittings are then scheduled in Founders’ Hall to discuss our readings.  For more information, please contact Anna Tsu: anna.tsu@saintanna.org