In the fall of 2016, with the blessings of His Grace Bishop Neofytos, the ruling bishop of Nyeri, the faithful of our community committed to supporting the construction of the parish of St. Anne on Mount Kenya, as well as the ongoing ministry of Fr. Cosmas Nijoroge, the Parish Priest.
The site was blessed by His Grace shortly thereafter, and construction began. We received the following note from His Grace in February 2017:
Dear Father and the Faithful of St. Anne,
I take this opportunity to register my heartfelt joy and gratitude on behalf of the faithful of St. Anne as we glorify God for helping and allowing us to start and complete the construction of our humble and beautiful church of St. Anne in Mt. Kenya.
I want to thank you wholeheartedly Fr and all the Faithful for your support. Nobody imagined we shall have such a beautiful church. It may not be made of stone but the hearts of those who pray in this church are made of rock, the rock of faith unshakable. We shall open after pascha because I will be in the United States next month for three weeks.
Meanwhile Fr. Cosmas will be using it for services. We are happy and feel truly blessed indeed. May God bless you all.
Kali Sarakosti
In Christ
Bishop Neofitos
“Nobody imagined we shall have such a beautiful church. It may not be made of stone but the hearts of those who pray in this church are made of rock, the rock of faith unshakable. ”
Fr. Cosmas with members of the community of St. Anne
"...I have witnessed God's wisdom which has graciously enabled me to creatively come up with mission strategies such us going back to the practices of the apostolic church, where they we meeting in houses of the believers. [Here is a photo] taken when we lastly met in a house of one of our believes. This method has help us to be more close to each other, support each other spiritually and morally after our busy schedules and bring our mind together as we seek way forward in the mission.
Let us continue praying and helping each other for the glory of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Fr. Cosmas Njoroge
Photos (February 2018) of the newly renovated parish home, the blue and white striped building, with the Church of St Anna in the back ground.
“Christ is Risen! A few new photos of the Parish 5.2.18”