Parish Council

Community lay leaders share in administering the sacred ministry entrusted to the Parish Priest. Our Parish Council is comprised of 15 stewards who serve a two-year term of office. To be eligible to run for the Council, candidates must be in “good standing” with the Church and essentially serve as models of Christian stewardship. They must also attend a seminar organized by the Parish Priest, in which we discuss the concept of Parish ministry.

Once elected, our Parish Council members retreat for a day, during which we discuss our Faith and make plans to better address the needs and opportunities of our community. Council members assist the clergy in administering the parish's affairs and ministries, establish the appropriate committees, including but not limited to Stewardship, Finance, Fundraising, etc., prepare budgets for the Parish’s administration, collect the parish's revenue, and adhere to the Charter, Regulations, and decisions made by the Clergy-Laity Congresses.

Any correspondence can be addressed to Mr. Kent Joris


VICE PRESIDENT: Tony Sideris Mitcheal Word

TREASURER: Mitcheal Word



Tony Sideris

Jennifer Finney

Peter Efstathiu

Jason Jurrens

Richard Kopp

Hannah Lorenz

Christine Lovett

Jerry Mathew

Phillip Moldoff

Harrison Pardini

Ava Romero

Emil Sicoe

Anna Tsu