Fall Study Classes

A Survey of the Early Church

A course of studies covering how the early church taught, developed, lived, and worshipped. The topics to be covered are:  Pentecost: The Birth of the Church; Baptism: The Rite of Initiation; Orthodox Faith as a Pre‐requisite for Holiness; The Ordained Ministries; Scripture and the Church; The Seven Great and Holy Councils; Dogma and Statements of Faith; The House of Worship; Iconography; Hymnography; The Liturgy; The Liturgical Day, The Ecclesiastical Year and; The Mysteries of the Church. For more information, please contact Fr. Seraphim Ivey at: frseraphim@saintanna.org  or 916-772-9372.


Scriptural Studies

The books of the Bible, canonized by the Council of Laodicea in 363, are prayerfully interpreted with respect to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, the Councils, the writings and lives of the Saints, Divine Services, and the Holy Mysteries. 

Two classes meet weekly in Founder’s Hall:

Tuesdays, 11 AM-12:30 PM- Maccabees

For more information, please contact Fr. Christopher Flesoras at: frchris@saintanna.org or 916-772-9372.

Thursdays, 6:30 PM – 8 PM- The Book of Exodus

For more information, please contact Fr. Seraphim Ivey at: frseraphim@saintanna.org  or 916-772-9372.


Lincoln Bible Study, 6:30 PM-The Book of Revelation

Meets on 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 PM in Lincoln.  Please contact Dcn. Joseph for more information: dnjoseph@saintanna.org.


Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Book Club

Introducing a great opportunity for individuals desiring Christian spiritual development...  A book is selected each month by the Archangel Gabriel Bookstore Staff.  Two sittings are then scheduled in Founders’ Hall to discuss our readings.  For more information, please contact Anna Tsu: anna.tsu@saintanna.org