Honoring the men and women of our armed forces
The Color Guard of the 115th RSG
On October 8, 2011, the clergy and laity of our Parish, along with CH (CPT) Collins and a Color Guard from the 115th RSG of the California Army National Guard, dedicated our flagpole and raised an American Flag flown over the United States Capitol for our Parish on September 1, 2011. This flag was raised in honor of and with prayers for the men and women of our Armed Forces and our veterans.
The "St. Anna Support our Troops Ministry" provides special and desired provisions and goods that our brave men and women in the armed forces who are deployed cannot get through normal channels within the military standard issues. In addition and even more importantly, this ministry provides Orthodox reading materials and personal notes of greetings, gratitude, and Christian love to our men and women who are in harm’s way and far from home. It engages the parish family to reach out and support our troops personally and lovingly.
The Chaplain Corps of the 195th Wing
Living in proximity to Beale AFB and since Fr. Christopher serves as a Chaplain (Maj) and Natali Avelino services as Religious Affairs (TSgt) with the California Air National Guard (assigned to the 195th Wing), we are blessed to serve and also welcome Airmen and their families to our Parish.
Fr. Christopher speaking with an Airmen on a search and recovery mission following the Paradise Fires
God bless the men and women of our Armed Forces as well as our veterans and their families!