The Saint Anna Festival

Festivals are an extension of liturgical celebrations in historically Orthodox Christian lands. The faithful commemorate a Great Feast of the Church or the patron saint of a community in prayer. The liturgy after the festal Liturgy, that is, the work of the people after the celebration of the Divine Liturgy for the Feast, invites the greater community to share in the joy of the feast and to be the recipients of Christian hospitality.

Many of our parishes have held ethnic festivals rather than celebrating the Orthodox Christian faith and our feasts. Thanks be to God, through these festivals, countless individuals have been introduced to our Faith and cultures, but with the primary intention of meeting the financial needs of our parishes. Again, these festivals have blessed our communities but have sadly not manifested the true spirit (and reason) for us to celebrate. 

Our parish festival was held on Memorial Day weekend for over two decades.  The weekend was a pragmatic choice.  Following the pandemic and the construction of our Holy Sanctuary, we decided to celebrate our two-day festival, the weekend closest to the Feast of Ss. Joachim and Anna, September 9.  This decision firmly establishes our festival in Orthodox tradition, reminding us of the blessing found in the Holy Ancestors of Christ who are physically present with us in their Holy Relics; 2) celebrating what is holy and pleasing; 3) honoring the ethnically diverse make-up of our parishes that find commonality in the eastern culture of the Church and; 4) offering Christian hospitality and introducing our Faith to the greater community.

Because the festival is an extension of our lives in Christ, services are prayed throughout the weekend. Depending on the day of the feasts – September 8 is also the Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God—Great Vespers, Orthros, the Divine Liturgy, the Blessing of the Water, and the Supplication Service to the Holy Ancestors of God are prayed. Simply, we incorporate our festival into the liturgical calendar. 

May our Christian faith, hospitality, cuisine, diverse ethnic cultures, and Orthodox Christian faith be blessings to the members of our greater community. Let's ensure our festival reflects our commitment to Christ, His Church, His Saints, and the joy of serving others.  And may our Good Lord, through the intercessions of Ss. Joachim and Anna, be well-pleased with our offerings to His glory!