Stewards and friends of the Shrine are encouraged to donate to the Parish safely and securely through the options provided below.  Each gift made to the Parish is received with gratitude and will be used by appropriately and as designated. We invite you to make your donation through the website, or via the Church Center App:

Use the Give Online links below to donate via the website.

To make contributions on your smartphone:

  1. Click on App Store on your mobile phone.

  2. Choose search and type in Church Center App.

  3. Click “get” on Church Center App and follow directions.

  4. When the app is opened, scroll down to or search for St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church, click and follow directions.

Currently, there are five categories of giving on the Church Center App, specific to the Season:

  1. Stewardship – Funds in support of our operational budget.

  2. General - Our regular Sunday offerings that are used for general purposes.

  3. Candles -  Candles will be lit for those who donate to this line.

  4. Benevolence - Monies designated for parishioners / community members in financial need.

  5. Philoptochos “Friends of the Poor” – Supporting the philanthropic work of our Philoptochos.

If you wish to donate without downloading the app, simply put in the amount and text it to 84321Follow the prompts, providing the requested information for the initial set-up.  After this, we can automatically text amounts to give and send to 84321.

General Account

Donated funds to this account assist the Parish with operational needs as well as with special projects as discerned by the clergy and the Parish Council. 


These gifts of treasury support the minstry of the Parish.  Ideally, every Orthodox Christian community sustains her ministries fully through the offerings of the faithful who regularly offer a tithe, the Scriptural and traditional gift of 10% asked of us by God.  Stewards are encouraged to make a regular or reoccurring - weekly, monthly, quarterly - gift to the Church.

Capital Campaign 

Donations to the Capital Campaign are designated for our Building Program.  Unless otherwise noted, these “Sacrificial Gifts” made by our stewards and friends of our community assist us with paying off existing debt and/or to fund the construction of the future Sanctuary.


Donations to Philoptochos “Friends of the Poor” support its mission in providing aid the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, and the victims of disaster.

Memorial Donations 

Donations may be made in honor of friends or family members who have fallen asleep in the Lord.  Unless noted, these monies are used at the discretion of the clergy to purchase icons and liturgical items for the Parish.  Please contact the church office with the name of the servant of God who has reposed so that they may be included in our prayers.

The Theophileon Brotherhood, the Skete of Saint Anna, Mount Athos

The Theophileon Brotherhood of the Skete of Saint Anna is a cherished brotherhood of the Holy Mountain.  We remain forever indebted to their great benevolence for gifting to us the Holy Relics of St. Joachim and Anna.  Moreover, they continue to pray for our Parish as well as for those individuals who are in specific spiritual, physical or emotional need and those couples who desire to have children.  Donated monies are forwarded to the brotherhood to be used at their discretion, unless otherwise noted.


Help support His Grace, Bishop Neofitos and his mission in the Mr. Kenya and Nyeri diocese of Kenya. Your donations will build churches, educate and feed children, and support the clergy. Please share your love with Kenya.

“This church is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization. All tithes, offerings, or donations of any kind are deductible under IRC section 170(c)(2). Unless otherwise noted and in accordance with IRS regulation, you agree to relinquish control of the donated funds to the discretion of this church.”