A Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ for Missions, locally and In all nations
O Sweet Savior, Lord Jesus Christ our God, we give thanks to Thee for Thy marvelous works of salvation: For Thine Incarnation by which Thou didst heal mankind; For Thy precious and life-giving Cross and Thy triumphant Resurrection from the dead by which Thou didst trample down death and the devil, didst free us from the slavery to our sins, and didst grant to us and all who believe life eternal. We thank Thee for sending forth Thine apostolic witnesses to the ends of earth and bringing us the saving good news here in the distant West. Implant, O Word of Father, the Gospel of salvation deeply into our hearts and minds. Evangelize us, O Christ. Grant us to ever remember Thy magnificent and saving deeds, and to meditate upon them day and night. Enlarge our hearts, O Lord, with love for those who have not been enlightened by Thy truth, here and abroad, and use us, Thine unworthy servants, to bring the knowledge of Thee to others that they may come to a saving knowledge of the truth, and that Thy Name may be praised among all the peoples of the world. Cause Thy word to run swiftly and gather a great harvest in our city and country, and among all the nations of the earth. Sustain, inspire, and enlighten Thy servants, our bishops, priests, monks and nuns, and missionaries who labor with the Holy Gospel in fields ripe for harvest—Enkindle missionary zeal within us. Enable us to welcome our local community to the Orthodox faith. Inspire our parish to participate in missions, domestic and international, both short-term and long-term, and call forth from our midst priests, monastics, and missionaries who will labor for the salvation of men in the front lines of Thy Church. Forgive us, O Merciful Lord, for the times when we are indifferent to Thy Great Commission to make disciples of all the nations, and for the times when we do not sympathize with and yearn for those outside the Church. Make our hearts generous and willing to share the treasures of our faith and the wonders of dwelling in Thy House, and receive our grateful adoration which we ascribe to Thee, together with Thine Unoriginate Father, and Thine all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer for Missionaries supported by our Parishioners
"God of truth and love: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Hear our prayer for those who do not know You. That they may come to a saving knowledge of the truth, and that Your Name may be praised among all peoples of the world. Sustain, inspire, and enlighten Your servants in Asia, Guatemala, Africa, and Albania who bring them the Gospel. Bring fresh vigor to wavering faith; sustain our faith when it is still fragile. Continually renew missionary zeal in ourselves and the Church, and raise new missionaries who will follow You to the ends of the world. Make us witnesses to Your goodness, full of love, strength, and faith for Your glory and the salvation of the world. Through the prayers of all the missionary saints, Have mercy on us and save us. Amen.”
For more information and or to support Orthodox Christian missionaries, please visit http://www.ocmc.org.
A Prayer for our Seminarian and Theological Students
God our Father, we thank You for calling Kyle (Dionysios) Sterner (Holy Cross School of Theology) and Jessica (Theophania Elizabeth) Rentz (the Catholic University of America), who continue their theological studies, preparing to serve You and the Holy Church of Christ. Grant them the Grace to grow closer to You through daily prayer. Bless them while they study Your Word and the teachings of the Church. Give them generous and Grace-filled hearts to serve Your people. We ask this through the intercessions of the Three Hierarchs and in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our great High Priest. Amen.
A Prayer for our Families
O God, Heavenly Father, Who loves mankind, we pray that You will guide us and guard us in Your Truth, drawing us ever nearer to You, so that we may lead godly and righteous lives. May we ever desire to study Your Word, committing our lives to Christian formation, so that we may better serve You and Your Holy Church locally and abroad; in marriage or celibacy; as laity, clergy, or monastics. This we pray through the intercessions of Ss. Joachim and Anna, and of all God’s saints. Amen.