Philoptochos "Friends of the Poor" 

Annual Philoptochos Retreat

Philoptochos is one of the largest women’s organizations in the United States: it preserves the sacredness of the Orthodox family through family concern, services, and unity of action; promotes the charitable, benevolent, philanthropic, and eleemosynary purposes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; formulates plans and methods to voluntarily aid the poor, the needy, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, the victims of disaster; and promotes participation in the activities of the Parish with the cooperation of the Priest and the Parish Council.  

Charities and ministries St. Anna Philoptochos provides support to annually:

OCMC, IOCC, St. Basils Academy, Kids 'n' Cancer, Bishop Anthony Student Aid Endowment Fund, St. Nicholas Ranch & Retreat Center, Children's Receiving Home of Sacramento, Crisis Nursery Sacramento, Decani Monastery Relief Fund, Global Birthing Home/ Maison de Naissance, Monastery of the Theotokos, The Life Giving Spring, 3Strands Global Foundation, Project Mexico & St. Innocent Orphanage, Feed the Hungry, St. Vincent de Paul, Military Support, Local Seminarian Support, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Sunshine Ministry, College Student Care Packages, in Memory of Victoria Marie Kopp., Newborn Ministry, Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home.

Ways to support Philoptochos throughout the year:

  1. Prepare meals for individuals in need (Sunshine Ministry)

  2. Knit or Crochet a Prayer Shawl. (Prayer Shawl Ministry)

  3. Sign up to offer hospitality for Coffee Hour.

  4. Donations are accepted all year for the general fund and for specific ministries.

  5. Host a membership tea/gathering.

  6. Help with preparations for a luncheon, Feed the Hungry and care packages.

  7. Support fundraising efforts, donate baked goods, and participate in events.

  8. Attend meetings, share ideas, and keep us in prayer.

Philoptochos Contact: Linda Stoll, President

Please consult our Calendar for meeting dates and times.

Blessing of the Vasilopitas is an annual fundraiser supporting St. Basil Academy, St. Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center, and our local Philoptochos Ministries.