Archangel Gabriel Book Club
Archangel Gabriel Bookstore is relaunching its book club. We’ll discuss a different book each month. Meetings will be on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, one session at 9 a.m. and the other after Akathist at approximately 6:30 p.m., to accommodate varying schedules. We plan to meet inside the Bookstore, moving to the Founders’ Hall if more space is required.
You do not have to have finished the book to attend the book club! If you like, note any favorite passages in the text or any that gave you new insight or guidance in your own life to be shared with others in discussion. As we read a new book each month, we will not cover the text page by page in detail (as in Bible study) but will share high points or ponder questions.
October Reading: Wounded by Love, Saint Porphyrios
November Book: Father Arseny