Blessing of the breads of Saint Phanourios (Phanurios), newly revealed, of Rhodes

At the close of Liturgy on Sunday, August 27, we will celebrate the Feast of St. Phanourioss with the blessing of the phanouropites or breads of St. Phanourios.  

"Little is known of the holy Martyr Phanourios, except that which is depicted concerning his martyrdom on his holy icon, which was discovered in the year 1500 among the ruins of an ancient church on Rhodes, when the Moslems ruled there. Thus he is called "the Newly Revealed." The faithful pray to Saint Phanourios especially to help them recover things that have been lost, and because he has answered their prayers so often, the custom has arisen of baking a Phanouropita ("Phanourios-Cake") as a thanks-offering.”

If you would like to prepare a bread, helpful links are found below:

May he ever intercede with the Lord on our behalf!

Festival Volunteer Sign-up Opportunities

St Anna’s is hosting the 26th annual Roseville Greek Food & Wine Festival over two days from September 9th (11 am-10 pm) through the 10th (12 pm-8 pm)

For us to succeed, it is critically important that we all sign up to work the festival.  There are many shifts available for all ages.  Some are sit-down jobs in an AC-controlled environment; most are in the shade or under cover, and in a few…you'll get a sun tan.

Don’t wait to sign-up or say ‘I don’t signup but show up and fill in as needed”.  Both create volunteer and management chaos.  Please sign-up online via the church website under ‘opportunity to serve others or with assistance from our three-person Sign-Up team consisting of Katie Salidas (916) 719-2811, Annie Moore (978) 473-4756 & Camelia Maalouf (916) 761-4193. They will be available to help on call and after Sunday liturgy.

The festival is a little over three weeks away. One hundred forty-seven people have signed up to fill 366 volunteer slots. We still need to fill 262 spaces. If you haven’t yet signed up to work at the festival (or can sign up for additional shifts), please visit the sign-up page on the church website to select a date and time when you can help. If you know friends or neighbors, or high school students who need community service hours that would like to help, please sign them up! 

How to Sign Up to Volunteer at the Festival

1. Go to the church website.

2. Click on the three small lines (upper right-hand corner), then select ‘opportunities to serve others.”

3. Select Greek Food Festival

Follow the next steps:

4. Click on the box or series of boxes for the position & dates you can volunteer. Check marks should appear in the boxes you select.

5. Go to the bottom of the page and click on “Save & Continue.”

6. The window that appears shows the date(s)/time(s) you request.
7. You will be asked to enter your name, email address, and phone #

8.  Click on SIGN UP NOW!   You should receive an email confirmation along with email reminders for your selected shifts.

Service Schedule for the Dormition of the Theotokos Fast

Our service schedule for the Dormition of the Theotokos Fast is as follows:

Tues		Aug 1	Paraclesis, 6:30 PM
Wed		Aug 2	Paraclesis, 6:30 PM	
Thurs	        Aug 3	Paraclesis, 6:30 PM
Fri		Aug 4	Paraclesis, 6:30 PM
Sat		Aug 5	Great Vespers, 5 PM
Sun 		Aug 6	Orthros/Liturgy (Feast of Transfiguration, 8 AM)
			Parish Lenten Potluck following Divine Services
Mon		Aug 7	Paraclesis, 6:30 PM
Tues		Aug 8	Paraclesis, 6:30 PM
Wed		Aug 9	Paraclesis, 6:30 PM
Thurs	        Aug 10	Paraclesis, 6:30 PM
Fri		Aug 11	Paraclesis, 6:30 PM
Sat		Aug 12	Great Vespers, 5 PM
Sun		Aug 13	Orthros/Liturgy, 8 AM
Mon		Aug 14	Great Vespers, 6:30 PM
Tues		Aug 15	Orthros/Liturgy (Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos) 9 AM

May this holy season be blessed, through the intercessions of the Theotokos,

Dinner Honoring the 25th Anniversary of the Ordination of Dn. Joseph to the Holy Diaconate

We will gather to honor and celebrate the ministry of our most beloved Dn. Joseph on August 19, following Great Vespers (5pm). Ordained to the Holy Diaconate in 1997 at the OCA Holy Trinity Cathedral in San Francisco, Dn. Joseph, Diakonissa Anna, Bethany, Tony, Felicia, Sophia and Eleni relocated to our region in 2002.  Since this time we have all benefited from his heartfelt prayers, joyful demeanor, pastoral sensibility, and beautiful family. It is, therefore, most fitting for us to thank God for Dn. Joseph, his family, and his over 25 years of ministry.  

To assist with the evening or to RSVP, please contact Hannah Lorenz at May our Gracious Lord continue to inspire the ministry and bless the family of our dear Dn. Joseph.

Cocktails for a Cause: A benefit for International Orthodox Christian Charities

MISSION: In the spirit of Christ’s love, IOCC offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthens the capacity of the Orthodox Church to respond.

FACTS: IOCC provides aid to families and communities in over 60 countries, including Greece and the Holy Land. IOCC is world-renowned for its strong financial oversight, with 92 cents of every dollar going to good works. In addition to responding to emergencies and crises, IOCC commits long-term to communities through development programs like health, water, sanitation, hygiene, food, security, education and literacy, community development, and self-reliance.

HOW TO SUPPORT: Visit for donation and volunteer opportunities, connect with Annunciation's IOCC Parish Ambassador, Dr. Nick Rotas, and attend the upcoming Cocktails for a Cause event on November 4.

Learn more by visiting and watching IOCC in action at the video links below: