A note of gratitude

Reverend Fathers, Stewards, and Friends of St. Anna Parish,

Although the hour is late, I didn’t want the day to close without saying “thank you.”  Thank you for your love of Christ, His Church, and our greater community.  Thank you for the countless hours in meetings, prepping the grounds, preparing food and drink, working throughout the weekend, and breaking it all down this evening and again in the morning.  I can only imagine how exhausted (and sore) some of our stewards and festival volunteers must be. Still, there wasn’t a complaint from our older or youngest of stewards, nor the members of the Sierra College football team who were moving items back into storage late into the evening, or even one of our young adults who flew home on Friday to work the festival for the weekend to then return to school on the earliest flight tomorrow morning.

What made our festival successful was that the weekend was an offering.  We offered what naturally springs forth from our time in divine services…a sense of thankfulness, a joy in serving, and a genuine concern and love for others.  This is Orthodox Christianity in its purest; what is believed is freely expressed.

Yesterday, we began our day with the Orthros and Liturgy commemorating the Feast of Ss. Joachim and Anna.  Later in the day, we prayed Great Vespers, pausing the music and dancing to prepare for Sunday services and to thank God for His goodness.  This morning, we again celebrated Orthros and Divine Liturgy.  And, then, this evening, we closed our day and our Festival with the Akathist of Thanksgiving.  The intentionality of praying over the weekend shouldn’t be lost on anyone.  This is our Orthodox Christian Faith. We begin and close all things that are good in prayer.

I ask that you please keep two of our beloved stewards, George and Maria, in your prayers.  Both experienced some health issues this weekend but seem to be doing well.  May God grant them healing and health.  

Sadly, the presvytera (priest’s wife) in Chico, Priscilla, fell asleep in the Lord early this morning. May her memory be eternal.  May our Lord also grant the comfort of the Holy Spirit to Fr. Ian, their family, Ss Cyril and Methodius parish,  and all who grieve her passing.    

In closing, it is a privilege to call Saint Anna my family's spiritual home.  I’m so thankful that my children have such God-loving, joy-filled, and gracious examples to emulate as they mature in years and stature.  As uncertain as things are in the world, these “gifts” are priceless and life-giving.   

May our Lord grant each of you every blessing through the intercessions of Saints Joachim and Anna and St. Ephrosynos the Cook.  
Again, thank you.

+fr. Christopher

PS.  I neglected to thank our friends who traveled back to our region from Maryland, Texas, Wisconsin, Arizona, Washington, and Nevada to work at the Festival.  What a testament to our beloved community of St. Anna!  May she ever intercede on our behalf!