God bless America!

Each day of our ecclesiastical calendar commemorates holy men and women and events that remain holy and noteworthy unto our salvation.  A great blessing is that we, as Americans, can celebrate these feasts without fear or persecution.  Freedom is a gift of God and is paramount to our lives in Christ.  It is also an essential part of our identities as Americans.  

As much as freedom is a blessing, it can also be a curse.  There are moments when we choose wisely as individuals or as a nation and moments when we choose poorly.  If choosing wisely was easy, then God wouldn’t have needed to redeem us; we would have remained in the Garden!  Wisdom is ideally maintaining what is good. It is also repenting when we fall short, asking God to restore us fully to His likeness and image, bringing us into deeper communion with Him, His creation, and one another.  

Today is a day that we celebrate the freedom of our Nation.   The Library of Congress concisely details “This day in history.”  Other helpful links are found therein as well.  

As we fittingly celebrate, let us pray that our Gracious Lord will continue to bless us with holy wisdom as individuals and as a nation.  May His Grace sustain us, and may Ss. Joachim and Anna and the Saints of America, ever intercede on our behalf!  God bless America! 

O Lord, our God, You hold together the universe by Your power, and by Your Divine and Almighty Will You govern the universe; You created from one blood all the nations that inhabit the face of the earth, and have assigned to each its boundaries; You have conferred special blessings on this our country the United States of America, and helped it develop into the foremost nation of the world, a champion of freedom and democracy; a haven for the oppressed and a refuge for those who look for the opportunity to live in dignity. You have kept the United States of America free for 247 years by Your Divine Grace and preserved and saved it through many wars and upheavals.

Do You, Yourself, All-Holy Master, accept our prayers of thanksgiving for the liberation and birth of our nation on the Fourth of July who in faith fervently pray to You.        

Heavenly God, give rest to the souls of our fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters who have nobly fought and gloriously died for its freedom. Make us all not only worthy of this freedom, but make us aware of the responsibilities that flow therefrom, preserve us in peace and concord, and guide us unto every good work pleasing to You. Give steadfastness to every civil authority and power in our great nation and make them well-disposed towards the God-given rights of all Your people.

For You are the Prince of Peace and the Savior of our souls, and to you we ascribe glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen!

The Opening of the Doors of our Holy Sanctuary

Thanks be to God for such a blessed day in our region.  Today, we gathered for our final service in Founders’ Hall, a space that has served us well for many years.  At the close of Orthros, our acolytes processed us to the courtyard where His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, His Grace Bishop Ioannis of Phocaea, and our Vicar, Rev. Fr. Jon Magoulias led us in prayer, opening the doors to our Holy Sanctuary.  His Eminence blessed us with Holy Water, and then as the bell rang out, he blessed the Sanctuary as we entered to celebrate the Divine Liturgy. At the close of Liturgy, we offered memorial prayers, including Fr. Demetrius and Presvytera Eleftheria and the founders of our Holy Church; may the Lord grant them rest! We were then humbled to have the Medal of St. Paul, the highest honor bestowed on the Orthodox Christian laity by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, presented to Joe Fancher, Jason Jurrens, and Sia Efstathiu.  They are worthy!  And, as we departed the Church, we took a collection for the recently established parish of St. Anna in the Diocese of Eldoret and Northern Kenya; we raised over $1,500.00 (a link is now available at https://saintanna.churchcenter.com/giving/. Again, thanks be to God for such a blessed, memorable, and beautiful day.

As we begin this next chapter in the life of our parish, let us pray that our Lord, through the intercessions of Saints Joachim and Anna, grants us every blessing unto salvation.  With much gratitude to Fr. Seraphim, Dn. Joseph, our Parish Council, our Building and Capital Committees, and the faithful for your common love of Christ, His Church, and our parish.  

Funding the building of the Parish of St. Anna in the Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya

We will be taking a special collection for a recently established parish of St. Anna served by Fr. Methodios in the Diocese of Eldoret and Northern Kenya, overseen by His Grace Bishop Neofitos. Some years ago, we built the temporary church and committed to funding the ministry at St. Anna on Mount Kenya (now in the spiritual care of His Grace Bishop Panaretos).  As His Grace Bishop Neofitos begins his ministry in this new diocese, we can again support his work by helping the faithful of St. Anna Parish transition from meeting under a tent to meeting in a church.  He writes:

 “The parish has approximately 80 faithful, with the majority being young people.  One of the faithful donated the plot of land where we are going to build the church.  When the church is built, many people will come in because it is the only church in the valley.  People walk up to the hills but forget that the God in the mountains is still the God in the valley!  So, let’s put a roof over their heads for worship, rather than a tent.  And may St. Anna intercede for all of us!”

Although we have a financial need to fund our construction, we are truly blessed to have a permanent home.  We must never forget our brothers and sisters in Christ (and those who have yet to be received into the Church) who are in greater need than us.  Although the miles may separate, by God’s Grace, we remain near in prayer.  And whether or not we fund the entire amount ($20,000), whatever we collect will be a blessing for this new community!  Therefore, as we prepare to “Open our doors,” I ask you to please support and pray for St. Anna Parish in the Eldoret Diocese and the faithful of the parish of St. Anna on Mount Kenya. May St. Anna ever intercede on behalf of us all!

The Service of the Opening of the Sanctuary scheduled for July 2, 2023

On June 22, 2023, our parish received a Certificate of Occupancy for the Holy Sanctuary. We will therefore pray the Service of the Opening of the Holy Sanctuary on July 2, 2023; His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco will be the Chief Celebrant. Divine Services will begin at 8 AM. May our Lord, through the intercessions of Saint Anna, continue to bless and inspire our ministry to His glory forever and ever!

2023 Trek4Missions

2023 Trek4Missions

Virtual Trek4Missions begins on Aug. 6th to Sept. 17th. OCMC invites you to set an activity challenge (walking, running, cycling, etc.) for yourself and your parish community to help spread awareness and raise funds for Orthodox Missions. Your efforts support the recruiting, training, sending, and ministries of missionaries. Join us and keep track of your progress. Our goal is to reach 20,000 miles and raise $165,000!

The website is:  https://www.ocmc.org/Trek4Missions

Spring General Assembly (Agenda, Fall Minutes, and reports

Fall General Assembly

Agenda (proposed)

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The following is the proposed agenda for the next General Assembly meeting. Join us on Sunday, May 7, immediately following Divine Services in the Church. All active stewards* of the Church of Saint Anna are encouraged to participate.


1.     Prayer & Call to Order

2.     Selection of General Assembly Chair

3.     Approval of Minutes of previous GA

4.     Clergy Report

5.     President’s Report

6.     Treasurer’s Report

7. Community Updates- reports will be posted parish website

  1. Philoptochos

  2. Religious Education  

  3. Archangel Gabriel Bookstore 

  4. Youth & Young Adult Ministries

  5. Stewardship

8.     Old Business

a.     Construction Update (Building Committee)

b.     Sanctuary Beautification and Capital Campaign

9.     New Business

10.  For the Good of the Parish

11.  Closing Prayer

12.  Adjournment

*To be considered a member in good standing, the member must regularly participate in the life of the parish and have fulfilled the previous year’s stewardship commitment and contributed toward the current year’s commitment.  New members may exercise their vote at Parish Assemblies if they have been in good standing at the parish for at least three months.

General Assembly (Spring 2023)

Stewardship Report


Stewardship is our active commitment to use our time, talent, and treasure for the benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christ’s redeeming love.  Stewardship is based on Scripture (1 Peter 4:10, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, Proverbs 16:3, 1 Corinthians 4:2) and many more.  As Orthodox Christians, we recognize that everything, truly everything we have, is a gift from God.  We are to be grateful to Him for His blessings and generous with our gifts to others.


In 2022 our budget was $450,000 dollars.  We not only made our budget but surpassed it by $54,382 dollars.  This is a testament to our faithful stewards who believe in giving back the first fruits from their hearts to God. 


This year our budget is $460,000 dollars.  As of March (I don’t have the April figures yet), we are ahead by $118.  I say we are on the right track!   Our approach to stewardship here at St. Anna’s is different than most Orthodox churches.  We do not have annual pledge drives.  We give from the heart what we, as individuals, decide is a good gift back to God.  Good stewardship brings joy into the lives of others, helps those in need, helps to feed those less fortunate, cares for the elderly, and funds the ministries of Christ through our Church. 


We should also give back to God our time and talent.  Some of the areas supported by St. Anna’s include our prayer shawl ministry, serving in the altar as an acolyte, helping chant the services, volunteering at St. Vincent de Paul, assisting in the bookstore, straightening the chairs and hymnals after service (good ones for the kids), clean the candle box, volunteer for candle duty, become a member of Philoptochos, or when needed, sign up for a meal train and many more.  No activity is too small.


Once again, I am grateful to all of our faithful stewards who continue through easy and tough times for their support of our beacon on the hill, our new church, to the glory of God.  And, of course, we welcome all new stewards.


If you use a phone or tablet, an easy way to give, not only for stewardship but for many of our ministries, you may consider the APP Church Center.  Download it, follow the prompts, and input your info. 

Holy Week Photos

Christ is Risen!

What a truly beautiful, Great, and Holy Week it was for our parish.  Thanks be to God, we could pray services in our new sanctuary; what a blessed experience! 

Thank you to Andrew and Bethany Burrows for capturing so many meaningful moments during Holy Week,  https://andrewandbethanyphoto.passgallery.com/-2023holyweek1/gallery 

Thank you also to Stephen Kristoff for preparing this video of the procession of the kovouklion on Holy and Great Friday 2023

Palm Sunday in our Sanctuary

Thanks be to God and the tireless efforts of so many - our Building Chairs, the Building Committee, the Parish Council, our architect, our contractors, the project manager, the City of Roseville, the City Manager, and our beloved Joe Fancher - we prayed Palm Sunday services in our Sanctuary.  It was a humbling and emotional day for many.  Some who anticipated this day rejoiced in the Kingdom, while others prayed fervently and joyfully in a holy sanctuary dedicated to our beloved Saint Anna.  Together, the Church Triumphant and the Church Militant glorified our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Who humbled Himself to enter the Holy City, seated on a donkey's colt for our salvation. 

In addition to those whom we thanked above, we would also like to say “thank you” to 

  • Those who were at the Church last evening and also early this morning, setting up for services.  

  • Andrew Burrows, who aptly captured many beautiful moments, https://andrewandbethanyphoto.passgallery.com/-palmsunday/gallery.  

  • Our team of cooks who prepared a delicious lunch.  

  • Our Religious Educators, who prepared a thoughtful writing for us to be better prepared for the Feast. 

  • Father Seraphim for preparing the 12 Catechumens who were Baptized or Chrismated yesterday!

  • Dn. Joseph for offering the first homily in our Sanctuary.

  • Those who served in the Holy Altar and those who chanted services. 

  • All of the faithful who joined us for services (well over 400!).  

  • Those who so graciously packed up the remains from our luncheon, delivering over 30 meals to the region’s homeless and feeding dozens at the Gathering Inn.  

May our Gracious Lord, Who willingly went to His Passion for our Salvation, keep these blessed souls and our entire community in His care.  

Our Holy Week schedule is as follows:

Monday, April 10       Service of the Bridegroom, 6 PM 

Tuesday, April 11       Service of the Bridegroom, 6 PM

Wednesday, April 12  9th Hour/ Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, 7 AM

                                    Holy Unction, 6 PM

Thursday, April 13     Liturgy of St. Basil, 9 AM

                                    Reading of the Passion Gospels, 6 PM

                                    All Night Vigil

Friday, April 14          Royal Hours, 9 AM 

                                    Decent from the Cross, 3 PM                         

                                    Service of the Lamentations, 7 PM

Saturday, April 15      Vesperal Liturgy, 9 AM 

                                    Resurrection Matins, 11:30 PM

Sunday, April 16         Paschal Liturgy, 12 AM

                                    Agape Vespers, 11 AM