Palm Sunday in our Sanctuary

Thanks be to God and the tireless efforts of so many - our Building Chairs, the Building Committee, the Parish Council, our architect, our contractors, the project manager, the City of Roseville, the City Manager, and our beloved Joe Fancher - we prayed Palm Sunday services in our Sanctuary.  It was a humbling and emotional day for many.  Some who anticipated this day rejoiced in the Kingdom, while others prayed fervently and joyfully in a holy sanctuary dedicated to our beloved Saint Anna.  Together, the Church Triumphant and the Church Militant glorified our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Who humbled Himself to enter the Holy City, seated on a donkey's colt for our salvation. 

In addition to those whom we thanked above, we would also like to say “thank you” to 

  • Those who were at the Church last evening and also early this morning, setting up for services.  

  • Andrew Burrows, who aptly captured many beautiful moments,  

  • Our team of cooks who prepared a delicious lunch.  

  • Our Religious Educators, who prepared a thoughtful writing for us to be better prepared for the Feast. 

  • Father Seraphim for preparing the 12 Catechumens who were Baptized or Chrismated yesterday!

  • Dn. Joseph for offering the first homily in our Sanctuary.

  • Those who served in the Holy Altar and those who chanted services. 

  • All of the faithful who joined us for services (well over 400!).  

  • Those who so graciously packed up the remains from our luncheon, delivering over 30 meals to the region’s homeless and feeding dozens at the Gathering Inn.  

May our Gracious Lord, Who willingly went to His Passion for our Salvation, keep these blessed souls and our entire community in His care.  

Our Holy Week schedule is as follows:

Monday, April 10       Service of the Bridegroom, 6 PM 

Tuesday, April 11       Service of the Bridegroom, 6 PM

Wednesday, April 12  9th Hour/ Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, 7 AM

                                    Holy Unction, 6 PM

Thursday, April 13     Liturgy of St. Basil, 9 AM

                                    Reading of the Passion Gospels, 6 PM

                                    All Night Vigil

Friday, April 14          Royal Hours, 9 AM 

                                    Decent from the Cross, 3 PM                         

                                    Service of the Lamentations, 7 PM

Saturday, April 15      Vesperal Liturgy, 9 AM 

                                    Resurrection Matins, 11:30 PM

Sunday, April 16         Paschal Liturgy, 12 AM

                                    Agape Vespers, 11 AM