Funding the building of the Parish of St. Anna in the Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya

We will be taking a special collection for a recently established parish of St. Anna served by Fr. Methodios in the Diocese of Eldoret and Northern Kenya, overseen by His Grace Bishop Neofitos. Some years ago, we built the temporary church and committed to funding the ministry at St. Anna on Mount Kenya (now in the spiritual care of His Grace Bishop Panaretos).  As His Grace Bishop Neofitos begins his ministry in this new diocese, we can again support his work by helping the faithful of St. Anna Parish transition from meeting under a tent to meeting in a church.  He writes:

 “The parish has approximately 80 faithful, with the majority being young people.  One of the faithful donated the plot of land where we are going to build the church.  When the church is built, many people will come in because it is the only church in the valley.  People walk up to the hills but forget that the God in the mountains is still the God in the valley!  So, let’s put a roof over their heads for worship, rather than a tent.  And may St. Anna intercede for all of us!”

Although we have a financial need to fund our construction, we are truly blessed to have a permanent home.  We must never forget our brothers and sisters in Christ (and those who have yet to be received into the Church) who are in greater need than us.  Although the miles may separate, by God’s Grace, we remain near in prayer.  And whether or not we fund the entire amount ($20,000), whatever we collect will be a blessing for this new community!  Therefore, as we prepare to “Open our doors,” I ask you to please support and pray for St. Anna Parish in the Eldoret Diocese and the faithful of the parish of St. Anna on Mount Kenya. May St. Anna ever intercede on behalf of us all!