Spring General Assembly (Agenda, Fall Minutes, and reports

Fall General Assembly

Agenda (proposed)

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The following is the proposed agenda for the next General Assembly meeting. Join us on Sunday, May 7, immediately following Divine Services in the Church. All active stewards* of the Church of Saint Anna are encouraged to participate.


1.     Prayer & Call to Order

2.     Selection of General Assembly Chair

3.     Approval of Minutes of previous GA

4.     Clergy Report

5.     President’s Report

6.     Treasurer’s Report

7. Community Updates- reports will be posted parish website

  1. Philoptochos

  2. Religious Education  

  3. Archangel Gabriel Bookstore 

  4. Youth & Young Adult Ministries

  5. Stewardship

8.     Old Business

a.     Construction Update (Building Committee)

b.     Sanctuary Beautification and Capital Campaign

9.     New Business

10.  For the Good of the Parish

11.  Closing Prayer

12.  Adjournment

*To be considered a member in good standing, the member must regularly participate in the life of the parish and have fulfilled the previous year’s stewardship commitment and contributed toward the current year’s commitment.  New members may exercise their vote at Parish Assemblies if they have been in good standing at the parish for at least three months.

General Assembly (Spring 2023)

Stewardship Report


Stewardship is our active commitment to use our time, talent, and treasure for the benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christ’s redeeming love.  Stewardship is based on Scripture (1 Peter 4:10, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, Proverbs 16:3, 1 Corinthians 4:2) and many more.  As Orthodox Christians, we recognize that everything, truly everything we have, is a gift from God.  We are to be grateful to Him for His blessings and generous with our gifts to others.


In 2022 our budget was $450,000 dollars.  We not only made our budget but surpassed it by $54,382 dollars.  This is a testament to our faithful stewards who believe in giving back the first fruits from their hearts to God. 


This year our budget is $460,000 dollars.  As of March (I don’t have the April figures yet), we are ahead by $118.  I say we are on the right track!   Our approach to stewardship here at St. Anna’s is different than most Orthodox churches.  We do not have annual pledge drives.  We give from the heart what we, as individuals, decide is a good gift back to God.  Good stewardship brings joy into the lives of others, helps those in need, helps to feed those less fortunate, cares for the elderly, and funds the ministries of Christ through our Church. 


We should also give back to God our time and talent.  Some of the areas supported by St. Anna’s include our prayer shawl ministry, serving in the altar as an acolyte, helping chant the services, volunteering at St. Vincent de Paul, assisting in the bookstore, straightening the chairs and hymnals after service (good ones for the kids), clean the candle box, volunteer for candle duty, become a member of Philoptochos, or when needed, sign up for a meal train and many more.  No activity is too small.


Once again, I am grateful to all of our faithful stewards who continue through easy and tough times for their support of our beacon on the hill, our new church, to the glory of God.  And, of course, we welcome all new stewards.


If you use a phone or tablet, an easy way to give, not only for stewardship but for many of our ministries, you may consider the APP Church Center.  Download it, follow the prompts, and input your info.