Recent Visit of Metropolitan Constantine of Denver and a Word of Thanks

We enjoyed welcoming His Eminence Metropolitan Constantine of Denver to our parish this past weekend.  Great Vespers, Sunday Services, Chrismations, a potluck…thanks be to God for all the moments that made his visit so meaningful for all of us.  Thank you to Bobby Gallagher for beautifully capturing some moments (photos are attached); the first photo of His Eminence testifies to the joy of his ministry and time with us.  We pray that our Good Lord grants His Eminence every blessing in His ministry. Axios!

This weekend got me thinking: We are truly blessed with a breathtaking Sanctuary. In the years ahead, we will continue beautifying the space with liturgical fixtures, stained-glass windows, woodwork, fabrics, mosaics, and mural icons, all to the glory of God. Thanks be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for the attention to detail by our Building Committee, the architect, and our craftsmen, who have produced an awe-inspiring and truly holy space for us to worship therein. 

As beautiful as the space may be, it pales compared to the people.  This isn’t a simple platitude but rather a truthful statement about our faithful.  The genuine kindness, the helpfulness, the hospitality, the joy, the faith that radiates in smiles, whether young or older, are blessings.  And we should never take these blessings or charismata for granted, God forbid!  They are to be treasured, nurtured, and shared; this is our blessing as Orthodox Christians; we share what God has given us.

As I express my gratitude to you, the beloved faithful of Saint Anna, please continue to pray, read Scripture and the lives of the Saints, give of your time, your talent, and your treasures to God, find joy in being with your brothers and sisters in Christ at the parish, invite others to the parish for services and fellowship, and seek the intercessions of Saint Anna for a world in desperate need of healing and hope.  Whether what we have is rare or not, I’m unsure, but I’m thankful.

Greek Heritage Night at the Rivercats

Join the Sacramento RIVER CATS game on June 22, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., for Greek heritage night. Don't miss out on a TAILGATE TAVERNA PARTY  at 4:30 p.m., a pre-game featuring live Greek music. The spirit of Greece will be alive throughout the game, with the Annunciation Choir singing the National Anthem, Greek music between innings, and fireworks under the stars. DON'T MISS OUT BOOK AND YOUR TICKETS TODAY!

Spring 2024 General Assembly (26 May)

Please review this information before our meeting. To ensure that your concerns are taken care of, the Parish Council asks that questions about our ministries or financial reports be submitted before the meeting (please submit them to, and he will forward them to the appropriate individual).  Once received, reports from our ministry leaders will also be posted to the website.  Updated reports include Adult Catechism, Philoptochos, the Archangel Gabriel Bookstore, Youth Religious Education, Stewardship, and St. Vincent de Paul.



                                                        submitted by Marci Pelka, St. Anna Stewardship Char

Although God gives us all His blessings and all things to enjoy, nothing is ours.  God owns everything, and we, as stewards, are responsible for how and what we do with His blessings.  As stewards, we have responsibilities to manage that which is God’s.  We are accountable for how we manage our money, time, and abilities.  This is taught by the Parable of the Talents.

In Colossians 3:23-24, Paul writes, “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord, you will receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the Lord Christ”.

Our budgeted stewardship for 2023 was $460,000.  We exceeded our budget by $20,868!  Our budgeted giving for 2024 is $460,000. Our year-to-date giving is $199,219.  Our year-to-date budgeted giving is $153,333.  We are $45,886 ahead at this time!

We are privileged at St. Anna’s to give to the ministries of Christ through our Church.  But is it enough? Our Church was opened on July 2, 2023.  We have grown in numbers, but have we grown in stewards?  We have approximately 241 families that we know give from their hearts.  Each Sunday, our Church is filled!  Thanks be to God!  But not everybody is a steward.

As Orthodox Christians, we need to embrace stewardship.  You should be a steward if you receive the Sacraments-Baptism, Chrismation, the Eucharist, Holy Unction, Confession, and/or Marriage. Being a steward connects everything we do with God, glorifying, praising, and worshipping Him. 

Stewardship also includes time and talent. There are many opportunities to serve God.  We have a very successful prayer shawl ministry.  We have acolytes for each and every service serving the altar.  Our services are now broadcast for those who are unable to attend in person.  You can volunteer to assist in the bookstore, become a substitute Sunday school teacher, volunteer at Vincent de Paul, and bring flowers to the church.   We provide meals to those in need.  We have bell ringers calling the faithful to service.  We have those who step up for candle duty, sandbox cleaning, sweeping the Church, and the list goes on.  Our Stewards take it upon themselves to assist in so many different areas.  

We now have a QR code that is in the bulletin each week.  Scan it, complete the requested information and a member of the stewardship team will send you information on how to become a faithful steward of St. Anna’s.  You can also call the church office (916-772-9372) and leave your name and address.  And one last way is to send an email to me at

Once again I want to thank all of our faithful stewards who give from their hearts.  And, of course, welcome to our new Stewards.  I would be remiss if I didn’t thank our team, Ava, Renie, and Christine, for all their hard work.

 Giving is how we become closer to God and show Him how thankful we are for all He continues to bestow on each and every one of us.

*The 2023 Draft Compilation Report prepared by Nicholson & Olson CPAs is available in the Church Office

Adult Education or Catechism (Submitted by Fr. Seraphim)

With our new shrine fully open and functional it has served its superficial purpose quite well and that purpose is to draw new people into the church.

In the Fall of 2023, we had a very large group of seekers express interest in learning more about the Orthodox Chrisitan faith. Maybe the largest group of people that I have ever had the privilege of teaching to.

At the onset of the class, which was taught on Tuesday nights at 7pm, initially, between Zoom and in person attendance here at St. Anna’s, there was a total of 45 people. The class on average ran for about an hour and a half, with many of the students opting to stay afterwards for further discussion/ questions. It was not uncommon for me, upon exiting the church, to see students milling about in the parking lot, in two’s and three’s, talking and discussing well after the class was over.

The text that was used is the same one that I have used for the past hand full of years, ever since I inherited the teaching responsibility from Jennifer and Larry (of blessed memory) Finney, which is the text by Dr. Clark Carlton, entitled "The Faith”. Dr. Clark Carlton himself is a convert to Orthodoxy and the way that the book presents our Orthodox beliefs and practices is very approachable and down to earth, but without being patronizing or belittling of other “expressions” of Christianity. At the same time, the book also is able to effectively communicate on a basic level, very deep theological principles and tenets of our faith as well.

The class ran from mid-September to about the middle of Great and Holy Lent this year, which was the end of March/ beginning of April. By the end of the class, the total number of students had winnowed down to about 20, which is normal: with 12 of them deciding that they were ready to enter the Orthodox church, either through baptism and/ or chrismation.  This group of catechumens were then received into St. Anna’s church on the Saturday of Lazarus during the service of Divine Liturgy.

It should be noted that about halfway through this class of catechumens, due to the sheer volume of people who were/ are still exploring coming into the church, it was decided that a second class should be started. This class is ongoing and done solely online via Zoom and is much like the other class in scope and number (30+ students initially attending). This 2nd session has been more difficult to instruct with any regularity as it takes place directly in the midst of a busy liturgical season, resulting in many class cancellations, which in turn makes it difficult develop any real sense of continuity.

Introducing our Visiting Theological Students for Holy Week

Joining us for the commemoration of the Great and Holy Week of the Church from our beloved Holy Cross School of Theology are Emmanuel Salem and Ivy Tesfay.

Ivy Gabriella Tesfay is from Las Vegas, Nevada, and attended Saint Paul's Orthodox Church, where she grew closer to Christ by singing and chanting hymns to our Lord. She interned at Project Mexico for three summers and had the opportunity to serve with FOCUS Detroit & the Neighborhood Resilience Project in the following summers. She graduated with a bachelor’s in psychology from Hellenic College in 2022 and received a Certificate in Youth and Young Adult Ministry from Holy Cross. She just completed her master’s in theological studies at Holy Cross and is now working as the Assistant Ministry Coordinator at Orthodox Christian Fellowship. 

Emmanuel Salem is from Akron, Ohio. He was similarly raised in a pious Orthodox Christian family. His youthful doubts about his faith were removed when he encountered the miracle-working icon of the Mother of God, Kardiotissa, at Camp Nazareth Summer Camp during his senior year of high school. He attended the University of Akron, where he studied Psychology and Philosophy; during his college years, he maintained an interest in aiding younger children struggling with deep questions. What he found lacking in those studies he found fulfilled in Christ, which led him to Seminary in 2021.  He is currently completing his third year at Holy Cross.

Ivy and Emmanuel met during their studies at HCHC and got engaged in January! Besides looking forward to their marriage, they continue to discern how they can best serve Christ, the Church, and those in the inner city, specifically those who have yet to experience the fullness of our Faith. 

May our Good Lord continue to bless and inspire Emmanuel and Ivy, granting them every good gift from above.

Holy Week Services (Including the Saturday of Lazarus and Palm Sunday)

The Feast of the Raising of Lazarus

Saturday, April 27                   Orthros /Liturgy 9 AM


The Feast of The Lord’s Entry into Jerusalem

Saturday, April 27                   Great Vespers, 5 PM

Sunday, April 28                      Orthros /Liturgy 8 AM


The Great & Holy Week

Sunday, April 28                  Service of the Bridegroom, 6 PM

Monday, April 29                 Service of the Bridegroom, 6 PM

Tuesday, April 30                 Service of the Bridegroom, 6 PM

Wednesday, May 1              9th Hour/Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, 7 AM

                                                 Holy Unction, 6 PM

Thursday, May 2                   Liturgy of St. Basil, 8 AM

                                                 Reading of the Passion Gospels, 6 PM

                                                  All Night Vigil

Friday, May 3                        Royal Hours, 8 AM                

                                                 Descent from the Cross, 3 PM

                                                 Service of the Lamentations, 7 PM

Saturday, May 4                  Vesperal Liturgy, 8 AM

                                                 Resurrection Matins, 11:30 PM

Sunday, May 5                     Paschal Liturgy, 12 AM

                                                 Agape Vespers, 11 AM

                                                      Paschal Picnic on Church Grounds

Opportunities to donate toward the beautification of the Sanctuary

in addition to our families sustaining our budget through stewardship (over $500K/year) and contributing toward the construction of our Sanctuary (over $5 million gifted), many items have been donated to beautify our Church—woodwork, mosaics, mural paints, stained glass windows, and altar covers, totaling over a million dollars! 

The following items have yet to be donated and will be received or installed by the end of this year (per the artisans).  

Mural Icons (to complete a second barrel vault):

·      Five full-bodied Saints for the barrel vault over the baptistry (the donor selects the Saints), $12,500. 

·      Icon of the Throne of God, $12,500.

Altar Covers (a set includes a cover for the Altar Table, a cover for the Holy Gospel, a cover for the chalice and paten, a bookmark for the Holy Gospel, and the Aer and chalice covers).


·      Icy Grey Nea Vatlos Satin (Sundays during Lent), $1,500

·      Red Byzantino Polixromo Satin (Feasts of Christ and St. Anna), $1,800

·      Burgundy Agia Eirini (Feasts of Christ), $2,300.00

·      Purple Velvet Pantocrator (Great Lent), $2,800.00


·      Prothesis (the place in the Altar where the Eucharistic gifts are prepared), $20,000.

·      Diakonikon (the place where the Holy Gospel and icons to be blessed are kept), $20,000.

·      Chairs, $500/each (many of the chairs that we received in March have yet to be donated)


To see woodwork or icons (or their placement), please visit Please do not hesitate to contact me about these or other giving opportunities; there will be a price adjustment in 2025 as our artisans have continued to honor their 2021 pricing for us.  At the least, I ask your prayers for our beloved parish of Saint Anna.

Support Saint Vincent de Paul Kitchen & the Launching of the "Seniors in Crisis Program"

In Matthew 25: 31-46, the Lord directs us to feed the hungry. Over twenty years ago, members of our community regularly volunteered at Loaves and Fishes in Sacramento. Then, about fifteen years ago, we shifted our focus to a more local ministry: the SVdP Kitchen (105 Bonita St. Roseville,    If you are over the age of fourteen and would like to help those less fortunate, please contact Annie Moore at 978-473-4756 (text message preferred).

It was recently announced that St. Vincents is launching a "Seniors in Crisis Program.” With the cost of living rising in our region, one crisis can dramatically impact those on a fixed income—bills, medications, food, etc.  Thanks be to God. SVdP is attempting to address this, and we’re invited to help.  Beginning on April 18th and through the "BIG DAY OF GIVING” on May 2nd, monies are being collected so that SVdP can reach an initial goal of  S$50,000 to dedicate to this program.  To donate, please visit For more information, please contact Anastasia Efstathiu at  or visit  

Thank you for your prayers and consideration