Holy Week Services (Including the Saturday of Lazarus and Palm Sunday)

The Feast of the Raising of Lazarus

Saturday, April 27                   Orthros /Liturgy 9 AM


The Feast of The Lord’s Entry into Jerusalem

Saturday, April 27                   Great Vespers, 5 PM

Sunday, April 28                      Orthros /Liturgy 8 AM


The Great & Holy Week

Sunday, April 28                  Service of the Bridegroom, 6 PM

Monday, April 29                 Service of the Bridegroom, 6 PM

Tuesday, April 30                 Service of the Bridegroom, 6 PM

Wednesday, May 1              9th Hour/Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, 7 AM

                                                 Holy Unction, 6 PM

Thursday, May 2                   Liturgy of St. Basil, 8 AM

                                                 Reading of the Passion Gospels, 6 PM

                                                  All Night Vigil

Friday, May 3                        Royal Hours, 8 AM                

                                                 Descent from the Cross, 3 PM

                                                 Service of the Lamentations, 7 PM

Saturday, May 4                  Vesperal Liturgy, 8 AM

                                                 Resurrection Matins, 11:30 PM

Sunday, May 5                     Paschal Liturgy, 12 AM

                                                 Agape Vespers, 11 AM

                                                      Paschal Picnic on Church Grounds
