Recent Visit of Metropolitan Constantine of Denver and a Word of Thanks

We enjoyed welcoming His Eminence Metropolitan Constantine of Denver to our parish this past weekend.  Great Vespers, Sunday Services, Chrismations, a potluck…thanks be to God for all the moments that made his visit so meaningful for all of us.  Thank you to Bobby Gallagher for beautifully capturing some moments (photos are attached); the first photo of His Eminence testifies to the joy of his ministry and time with us.  We pray that our Good Lord grants His Eminence every blessing in His ministry. Axios!

This weekend got me thinking: We are truly blessed with a breathtaking Sanctuary. In the years ahead, we will continue beautifying the space with liturgical fixtures, stained-glass windows, woodwork, fabrics, mosaics, and mural icons, all to the glory of God. Thanks be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for the attention to detail by our Building Committee, the architect, and our craftsmen, who have produced an awe-inspiring and truly holy space for us to worship therein. 

As beautiful as the space may be, it pales compared to the people.  This isn’t a simple platitude but rather a truthful statement about our faithful.  The genuine kindness, the helpfulness, the hospitality, the joy, the faith that radiates in smiles, whether young or older, are blessings.  And we should never take these blessings or charismata for granted, God forbid!  They are to be treasured, nurtured, and shared; this is our blessing as Orthodox Christians; we share what God has given us.

As I express my gratitude to you, the beloved faithful of Saint Anna, please continue to pray, read Scripture and the lives of the Saints, give of your time, your talent, and your treasures to God, find joy in being with your brothers and sisters in Christ at the parish, invite others to the parish for services and fellowship, and seek the intercessions of Saint Anna for a world in desperate need of healing and hope.  Whether what we have is rare or not, I’m unsure, but I’m thankful.