Blessing of the breads of Saint Phanourios (Phanurios), newly revealed, of Rhodes

At the close of Liturgy on Sunday, August 27, we will celebrate the Feast of St. Phanourioss with the blessing of the phanouropites or breads of St. Phanourios.  

"Little is known of the holy Martyr Phanourios, except that which is depicted concerning his martyrdom on his holy icon, which was discovered in the year 1500 among the ruins of an ancient church on Rhodes, when the Moslems ruled there. Thus he is called "the Newly Revealed." The faithful pray to Saint Phanourios especially to help them recover things that have been lost, and because he has answered their prayers so often, the custom has arisen of baking a Phanouropita ("Phanourios-Cake") as a thanks-offering.”

If you would like to prepare a bread, helpful links are found below:

May he ever intercede with the Lord on our behalf!