Prayer for Protection from the Raging Fires

Prayer for Protection from the Raging Fires
O Gracious God, who created the earth and everything in it, You have bestowed countless blessings upon us. Indeed, You have filled the world with immense beauty, bounty, and endless wonders! 

We now ask You to save Your people from nature’s furious fires. Protect those in our state whose homes, businesses, and schools are threatened by the wildfires consuming the land. 

Grant courage to those who fight the flames, as well as to first responders and all those who will assist our fellow Californians in rebuilding their lives and livelihoods after disaster strikes. 

Provide strength to all survivors and peace to those in danger. 

For those who have lost their lives, we ask You to grant them rest among the righteous. May their families and friends find consolation and comfort in the Holy Spirit and hope in Your Resurrection on the Third Day. 

Send down abundant rain to quench the flames in our state. Just as You did for Noah of old, send the rainbow of hope. Though nature may rage, we know, O Lord, that You are a Loving God who holds in Your hands all that You have created.  

We give thanks to You for all things! 

Grant us humility to repent for our negligence in caring for Your Creation and give us the will to serve You more faithfully from now on. 

Protect homes, monasteries, and all Your people. Throughout our lives, let us remember to honor and worship You as the Living God: Father, Son, and All-Holy Spirit. Amen.