In Anticipation of the New Year

Christ is born!  Glorify Him!  

On Tuesday evening evening (6 PM), we will gather in prayer to celebrate the Feasts of St. Basil the Great and the Circumcision of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Unique to this evening is the use of the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, which is only prayed on ten occasions throughout the year. Following the Consecration of the gifts, the celebrant offers a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving, in which he prays: 

Remember, O Lord, the people here present and those who are absent with good cause. Have mercy on them and on us, according to the abundance of Your mercy. Fill their shelves with goods; preserve their marriages in peace and harmony; nurture the infants; instruct the youth; support the elderly; encourage the fainthearted; reunite the dispersed; return those who succumbed to error and unite them to Your holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. Free those who are troubled by unclean spirits. Travel with those who travel. Defend the widows; protect the orphans; free the captives; heal the sick. Remember, O Lord, those who are on trial, in labor camps, in exile, in bitter servitude, and any affliction, necessity, or distress, and everyone in need of Your great compassion; and those who love us and those who hate us; those who have asked us to pray for them, unworthy though we may be. 

I feel genuinely humbled by these words every time I have the privilege of praying them during the Liturgy. Although we may see ourselves as distant from fourth-century Byzantium, our frailties—and, by extension, our needs—remain unchanged. We rely on God’s mercy because we fall short in our relationship with Him and, as the prayer wisely notes, with one another. Persevering in virginity, caring for marriages, children, and parents, along with those who struggle due to illness, loss, or fear, is work. Reuniting those who have strayed from God and the Orthodox Christian Faith, whether due to arrogance or ignorance, is also challenging. Tending to those in unique circumstances, such as widows, orphans, the imprisoned, or the sick, is trying. Being gracious and praying for those who love us and even those who hate us is also difficult.  

Nurturing, building up, or healing relationships with God, family members, friends, or co-workers while serving our loved ones, those in need, and even those who may not like us leads to salvation. If I desire to be saved, I must engage God and all others as opportunities to humble myself, pray for, and serve others. I can only think this is why St. Basil included such a litany in his prayers.  It surely wasn’t easy for him or the faithful then, as it isn’t for us now, but this is our Christian vocation.  

All of us can attest that life can be humbling. However, the ups and downs of life don’t automatically instill humility in me. Instead, a contrite and humble spirit is shaped by how I perceive myself in relation to God and my fellow human beings, my awareness of my sins compared to others, and how I balance God’s mercy with His just judgment. My attitude toward God must be one of penitence, while my attitude toward others should be gracious, forgiving, and merciful.

What is life without prayer? Whether in the Holy Sanctuary or the quiet of my room, prayer is a gift; it’s time I need and treasure. When my prayers at home are lacking, I feel a bit off-kilter; my interactions with God and others are adversely affected. Similarly, God’s mercy, love, and graciousness elude me when I'm not prayerful during Divine Services. Thanks be to God, though; when I get distracted, a strategically placed icon and a vigil lamp in the home or the hymns raised in communal prayer call me back to my senses and create an openness to Grace and healing.  Without prayer, the soul withers and dies.  

How else can we, as Christians, express our prayerful gratitude to God and our love for Him, if not by humbly serving others? Our vocations may be unique, but our work is always for and in the context of others; it can never be solely about ourselves. Thanks be to God for all the examples we have right here in our parish of those who tirelessly strive to bring joy to others. What a gift it is not only to receive the kindness of others but also to be inspired by them to serve more earnestly and sincerely. Every time a need is expressed—whether in my family, the parish, or the greater community—it's an opportunity for me to give monetarily, to offer my talents or my time, and to do so with joy, for God loves a cheerful giver.  

 What God loves—a right disposition and a soft heart—and whom He loves—all of us—are the things I should strive to attain for myself and for others. Thanks be to God for those subtle (and not so subtle) reminders found in Divine Services, during certain seasons of life, and in those pure moments with God and others that inspire me to desire them for myself and others.  For this is what is pleasing to God. 

As we close this year, I ask for your forgiveness for the times I have fallen short in these pursuits as your priest; I pray that God will be merciful and forgiving to us all. I also fervently pray that you find joy in pursuing these greater things—a right spirit, a gentle heart, and a willingness to selflessly serve and give unto others as we prepare for the feasts and the New Year.  To paraphrase St. Basil, let us pray that we are all made worthy to stand at the Lord’s right hand when He comes to judge the living and the dead.  For He is the giver of good things, and we offer up to Him glory, together with the Father, who is without beginning, and the all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages.

A blessed Feast of St. Basil to all who celebrate!