submitted by Marci Pelka, St. Anna Stewardship Char
Although God gives us all His blessings and all things to enjoy, nothing is ours. God owns everything, and we, as stewards, are responsible for how and what we do with His blessings. As stewards, we have responsibilities to manage that which is God’s. We are accountable for how we manage our money, time, and abilities. This is taught by the Parable of the Talents.
In Colossians 3:23-24, Paul writes, “Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord, you will receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the Lord Christ”.
Our budgeted stewardship for 2023 was $460,000. We exceeded our budget by $20,868! Our budgeted giving for 2024 is $460,000. Our year-to-date giving is $199,219. Our year-to-date budgeted giving is $153,333. We are $45,886 ahead at this time!
We are privileged at St. Anna’s to give to the ministries of Christ through our Church. But is it enough? Our Church was opened on July 2, 2023. We have grown in numbers, but have we grown in stewards? We have approximately 241 families that we know give from their hearts. Each Sunday, our Church is filled! Thanks be to God! But not everybody is a steward.
As Orthodox Christians, we need to embrace stewardship. You should be a steward if you receive the Sacraments-Baptism, Chrismation, the Eucharist, Holy Unction, Confession, and/or Marriage. Being a steward connects everything we do with God, glorifying, praising, and worshipping Him.
Stewardship also includes time and talent. There are many opportunities to serve God. We have a very successful prayer shawl ministry. We have acolytes for each and every service serving the altar. Our services are now broadcast for those who are unable to attend in person. You can volunteer to assist in the bookstore, become a substitute Sunday school teacher, volunteer at Vincent de Paul, and bring flowers to the church. We provide meals to those in need. We have bell ringers calling the faithful to service. We have those who step up for candle duty, sandbox cleaning, sweeping the Church, and the list goes on. Our Stewards take it upon themselves to assist in so many different areas.
We now have a QR code that is in the bulletin each week. Scan it, complete the requested information and a member of the stewardship team will send you information on how to become a faithful steward of St. Anna’s. You can also call the church office (916-772-9372) and leave your name and address. And one last way is to send an email to me at
Once again I want to thank all of our faithful stewards who give from their hearts. And, of course, welcome to our new Stewards. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank our team, Ava, Renie, and Christine, for all their hard work.
Giving is how we become closer to God and show Him how thankful we are for all He continues to bestow on each and every one of us.