Pavers for the Sanctuary Courtyard

We are pleased to announce that we have extended the Paver campaign! At the request of our Building Committee, we're creating another section around the Sanctuary to honor the requests of those who wish to be included in this effort. This also provides another means by which those who wish to provide funding toward the underlay of the dome may do so.

4x8 pavers include three lines at 20 characters per line (including spaces). The cost per paver is $500. Checks should be made out to 'St. Anna Parish' with 'paver order' listed in the memo section or via the Church App by choosing ‘pavers’.

Please contact Shen Medeck at or 916-467-6955 for assistance and to place your order.

A few thoughts on Our christian Faith

On 24 June (New Calendar), the Orthodox Christian Church celebrated the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist. A blessed feast to all who commemorate Saint John! It was a timely feast in that it again reminded us of the sanctity of Christian family.

The home is the first church, and it is sacred. A parish or cathedral is the place in which the Christian family - the young and older, those who persevere in virginity, those who are married, widowed and divorced - gather to celebrate the Holy Mysteries together with the righteous who have gone before us. It too is sacred. It is therefore imperative that we build up the home and the parish, together with our monasteries, all to the glory of God. By so doing, we also learn to value and serve one another, those in the Church and those beyond her walls, we pray, unto salvation.

Sadly, it’s becoming all the more difficult for Christians to do so in our culture. Although the media would have us believe otherwise, we are far from being “at war” with any ideology or persons, nor have times changed that much, even going back centuries. What makes it difficult to thrive within our culture and to nurture saints is apathy, Christian apathy.

Christian apathy is our gift to the devil in the 21st century. I know this is a generalization, but nothing good comes from a lack of prayer, fasting, the reading of scripture, and alms giving. When we’re apathetic, it’s far too easy to remain unconcerned for those who are hurting. Truth becomes relative with opinions ruling. Responsibility gives way to excuses. Our passions are justified if not glorified. Simply, a toxicity seeps into all of our social constructs when Christians are apathetic. Even the Christian home and the church become cold. God laments our decision-making and the devil smiles.

Brothers and sisters, dig deep into your Orthodox Christian Faith. Pray. Read Scripture Read the lives of the Saints. Fast. Give alms. Look for opportunities to serve.

Thank God for His benefactions. Thank God for His Church. Thank God for our monasteries. Thank God for our nation and our processes of government. And thank God for His patience with all of us.

Father's Day Brunch, June 26th following Divine Services

We have moved the Fathers Day Brunch from June 19th to June 26th after Liturgy. We will be having a breakfast casserole, fruit, and an iced coffee station.  We'll need help with set up of tables the night before, prep, serving and clean up. If you are able to help, please sign-up via Signup Genius

To donate towards the cost of the meal, you can contribute to the benevolence account with an earmark for Fathers' Day Brunch. We will also have a basket available on Sunday to donate toward the cost of the Lunch-in. 

If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you ahead of time for all your help and donations.

-Irene Bezzerides 

Spring General Assembly (Agenda, Fall Minutes, Treasure Reports, Bookstore Report)

Stewardship Report (Spring 22)
Hard to believe that we are in the third year of the pandemic.  We have all experienced ups and downs during this time.  But one constant remains: that is our faithful and loving stewards who have embraced their stewardship, knowing what it means to give from the heart.  Thanks be to God for all His blessings.

Our budget for the year 2022 is $450,000.  As of April 2022 we are $38,134 ahead.  To date we have been blessed to receive from our Stewards $188,134.  What does this mean?  It means we can continue to help those in need, to fund our ministries, but most of all to give back to God for all He bestows on us.  It truly is a privilege to give back to God through our thriving, welcoming and loving Parish of St. Anna’s.

Stewardship is much more than just finances.  It includes time and talent.  God calls us to be generous in all areas of our life.  There are many opportunities through St. Anna’s to share our time and talent.  We have a very successful prayer shawl ministry.  We have acolytes each and every  service serving the altar.  Our services are now broadcasted for those who are unable to attend services.  We provide meals to those in need.  We have bell ringers, calling the faithful to service.  We have those who step up for candle duty, sandbox cleaning, sweeping the Church, and the list goes on.  Our Stewards take it upon themselves to assist in so many different areas.  

In closing I would be remiss if I didn’t thank all of you for giving from your hearts.  And of course, welcome to our new Stewards.  It is in giving that we become closer to God and show Him how thankful for all He continues to bestow on each and everyone of us.

If you haven’t downloaded the APP Church Center you may want to consider this avenue to donate your gift to God.  Look for St. Anna’s and follow the sign up. 

1 Peter 4:10-As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: