FEED THE HUNGRY / Easter 2022 - Thank you!!!

Dear Saint Anna Philoptochos Members and Parishioners,

Thank you so much for your participation in decorating the 2022 FEED THE HUNGRY / Easter gifts today! The turnout was amazing and the Roseville Unified Title I schools and recipient families will no doubt feel our love when receiving them tomorrow.

Our combined donations and fundraising efforts afforded 75) families $125 Wal-mart® gift cards to be used as they see fit--for food, clothing, hygiene or pharmaceutical goods. See's Candies also contributed in an unprecedented way by donating 50) 1 lb. boxes of assorted chocolates and 23) boxes of their famous lollipops--gratis.

Thank you, thank you to all of you.

We could not have done it without you.

“My Soul, My Soul, Rise Up”: Lenten Reflections from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology

In addition to our ongoing parish studies,, there are also countless online resources to assist us grow in our Orthodox Christian Faith. The faculty of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology is presenting a video series during Great Lent entitled: “My Soul, My Soul, Rise Up”: Lenten Reflections from Holy Cross. Each video will be 15-20 minutes and you will have the opportunity of hearing the professors who are teaching at our seminary. The first video reflection was presented by the Rev. Fr. George Parsenios, PhD, who is the Dean of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. The presentation is entitled: “Grant Me to See”: Reflections on the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim”. The YouTube link is: https://youtu.be/IF914kS_8j4

The series will continue every Monday until Holy Week, with all talks available on YouTube. Future speakers will be:

  • Dr. James Skedros, ThD, Michael G. and Anastasia Cantonis Professor of Byzantine Studies and Professor of Early Christianity, Holy Cross

  • Dr. Timothy Patitsas, PhD, Interim Dean of Hellenic College and Assistant Professor of Ethics, Holy Cross

  • V. Rev. Archimandrite Maximos Constas, PhD, Professor of Patristics and Orthodox Spirituality, Director of the Pappas Patristic Institute, Holy Cross

  • Dr. Philip Mamalakis, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care, Holy Cross

  • Fr. Eugen J. Pentiuc, PhD, Archbishop Demetrios Professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Origins and Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Holy Cross

May the Lord continue to bless and inspire our seminary faculty who train up future clergy and lay leaders of the Church.

The events in Eastern Europe - a posture of prayer

Our Parish is the spiritual home of a diverse body of Orthodox Christians. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we gather at the parish to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our spiritual home is comprised of dedicated Orthodox Christians from so many regions of the world, each with particular customs and traditions that truly enrich our liturgical experience and lives in Christ here in America. When we recite the Lord’s Prayer in multiple languages within the context of the Divine Liturgy, in a small way, we honor the historical lands that nurtured our stewards and witness the beauty of our Faith that spans the world. Thanks be to God for empowering His disciples to “net the whole world, offering salvation not simply to a people, but ALL people. And, thanks be to God that our community is reflective of this truth.

In light of what is unfolding in Ukraine, our posture as Orthodox Christians is prayer. We pray for the people of Ukraine. We pray for the people of Russia. We pray for the people who call the bordering nations their homes. We pray with and for our families who have loved ones in these countries. We pray for an abiding peace that transcends human understanding. May our Lord grant those who He has permitted to rule, wisdom and Grace, so that we may live in all piety and peace.

St. Baldrick's Head Shaving--20th Anniversary of the Bald and Beautiful Team

20th Year of the Bald and Beautiful Team!!

Help us support Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance and fund a cure of childhood cancer. In our 20 years of shaving we have raised over $250,000 for St. Baldrick’s! Join our team or make a donation!

  • Bruce Houdesheldt, Roseville Vice Mayor

  • Dr. Tim Herman, former Roseville Councilmember

  • Father Christopher Flesoras, St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church

  • Father Seraphim Ivey, St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church

  • Sean Bigley, City of Roseville

  • Aldo Pineschi, Tommy Apostolos Fund

  • Anthony Pineschi

  • Chris Bandak, St. Anna Church

  • Nicholas Pasco, St. Anna Church

Custom link made for our team page: www.stbaldricks.org/teams/BaldAndBeautiful2022 .

This is the 20th year of the St. Baldrick’s and the 20th year for the various Bald and Beautiful team(s).

If interested in attending or shaving—please Save the Date…Saturday, March 26th at the Westfield Galleria, Roseville. Event will be from Noon – 3 pm.


Keaton’s Childhood Cancer Alliance

Here is the link to register for the Saturday, March 26th event!


Alicia K. Shrum, Marketing & Website Management,alicia.shrum@childcancer.org

916-784-6786 | main  916-208-0187 | cell


Baron of the Brave—20 years of service to St. Baldrick’s