The events in Eastern Europe - a posture of prayer

Our Parish is the spiritual home of a diverse body of Orthodox Christians. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we gather at the parish to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our spiritual home is comprised of dedicated Orthodox Christians from so many regions of the world, each with particular customs and traditions that truly enrich our liturgical experience and lives in Christ here in America. When we recite the Lord’s Prayer in multiple languages within the context of the Divine Liturgy, in a small way, we honor the historical lands that nurtured our stewards and witness the beauty of our Faith that spans the world. Thanks be to God for empowering His disciples to “net the whole world, offering salvation not simply to a people, but ALL people. And, thanks be to God that our community is reflective of this truth.

In light of what is unfolding in Ukraine, our posture as Orthodox Christians is prayer. We pray for the people of Ukraine. We pray for the people of Russia. We pray for the people who call the bordering nations their homes. We pray with and for our families who have loved ones in these countries. We pray for an abiding peace that transcends human understanding. May our Lord grant those who He has permitted to rule, wisdom and Grace, so that we may live in all piety and peace.