The events in Eastern Europe - a posture of prayer

Our Parish is the spiritual home of a diverse body of Orthodox Christians. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we gather at the parish to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our spiritual home is comprised of dedicated Orthodox Christians from so many regions of the world, each with particular customs and traditions that truly enrich our liturgical experience and lives in Christ here in America. When we recite the Lord’s Prayer in multiple languages within the context of the Divine Liturgy, in a small way, we honor the historical lands that nurtured our stewards and witness the beauty of our Faith that spans the world. Thanks be to God for empowering His disciples to “net the whole world, offering salvation not simply to a people, but ALL people. And, thanks be to God that our community is reflective of this truth.

In light of what is unfolding in Ukraine, our posture as Orthodox Christians is prayer. We pray for the people of Ukraine. We pray for the people of Russia. We pray for the people who call the bordering nations their homes. We pray with and for our families who have loved ones in these countries. We pray for an abiding peace that transcends human understanding. May our Lord grant those who He has permitted to rule, wisdom and Grace, so that we may live in all piety and peace.

St. Baldrick's Head Shaving--20th Anniversary of the Bald and Beautiful Team

20th Year of the Bald and Beautiful Team!!

Help us support Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance and fund a cure of childhood cancer. In our 20 years of shaving we have raised over $250,000 for St. Baldrick’s! Join our team or make a donation!

  • Bruce Houdesheldt, Roseville Vice Mayor

  • Dr. Tim Herman, former Roseville Councilmember

  • Father Christopher Flesoras, St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church

  • Father Seraphim Ivey, St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church

  • Sean Bigley, City of Roseville

  • Aldo Pineschi, Tommy Apostolos Fund

  • Anthony Pineschi

  • Chris Bandak, St. Anna Church

  • Nicholas Pasco, St. Anna Church

Custom link made for our team page: .

This is the 20th year of the St. Baldrick’s and the 20th year for the various Bald and Beautiful team(s).

If interested in attending or shaving—please Save the Date…Saturday, March 26th at the Westfield Galleria, Roseville. Event will be from Noon – 3 pm.


Keaton’s Childhood Cancer Alliance

Here is the link to register for the Saturday, March 26th event!

Alicia K. Shrum, Marketing & Website Management,

916-784-6786 | main  916-208-0187 | cell

Baron of the Brave—20 years of service to St. Baldrick’s

"Man of God" in select theaters on March 21

One of the most beloved saints of the 20th Century is St. Nectarios of Aegina. A brief telling of his life is found here,

On March 21, a film titled “May of God” will be shown throughout the region. Some of our parishioners were able to see a release online earlier this year. Now, it’s coming to the “big screen”, thank God!

To see a preview of the movie:

About the move:

Links to share on Facebook:

Locations, where the movie will be playing in our region, are found below. If you live outside of our region, please just search “Man of God” + your zip code for options. Again, this is only on March 21.

Cinemark Roseville Galleria Mall and XD - Map


Showtimes at Blue Oaks Century Theatres and XD

Blue Oaks Century Theatres and XD - Map


Showtimes at Century Folsom 14

Century Folsom 14 - Map


Showtimes at Palladio 16 Cinema

Palladio 16 Cinema - Map


Showtimes at Regal El Dorado Hills & IMAX

Regal El Dorado Hills & IMAX - Map


Showtimes at Regal Natomas Marketplace 4DX, ScreenX & RPX

Regal Natomas Marketplace 4DX, ScreenX & RPX - Map


Showtimes at Regal Delta Shores & IMAX

Regal Delta Shores & IMAX - Map


Showtimes at Century Laguna 16 and XD

Century Laguna 16 and XD - Map


Regal Natomas Marketplace 4DX, ScreenX & RPX - Map


Showtimes at Regal Delta Shores & IMAX

Regal Delta Shores & IMAX - Map


Praying the Psalms (Advice from St. Athanasios the Great)

I once talked with a certain studious old man, who had bestowed much labour on the Psalter, and discoursed to me about it with great persuasiveness and charm, expressing himself clearly too, and holding a copy of it in his hand the while he spoke.  So I am going to write down for you the things he said.

Son, all the books of Scripture, both Old Testament and New, are inspired by God and useful for instruction, as the apostle says; but to those who really study it the Psalter yields especial treasure.  Within it are represented and portrayed in all their great variety the movements of the human soul.  It is like a picture, in which you see yourself portrayed and, seeing, may understand and consequently form yourself upon the pattern given.  

In the Psalter you learn about yourself.  You find depicted in it all the movements of your soul, all its changes, its ups and downs, its failures and recoveries.  Moreover, whatever your particular need or trouble, from this same book you can select a form of words to fit it, so that you do not merely hear and then pass on, but learn the way to remedy your ill.  Prohibitions of evildoing are plentiful in Scripture, but only the Psalter tells you how to obey these orders and refrain from sin.

But the marvel with the Psalter is that, barring those prophecies about the Savior and some about the Gentiles, the reader takes all its words upon his lips as though they were his own, written for his special benefit, and takes them and recites them, not as though someone else were speaking or another person’s feelings being described, but as himself speaking of himself, offering the words to God as his own heart’s utterance, just as though he himself had made them up.

It is possible for us, therefore to find in the Psalter not only the reflection of our own soul’s state, together with precept and example for all possible conditions, but also a fit form of words wherewith to please the Lord on each of life’s occasions, words both of repentance and of thankfulness, so that we fall not into sin; for it is not for our actions only that we must give account before the Judge, but also for our every idle word.

When you would give thanks to God at your affliction’s end, sing Psalm 4, Psalm 75 and Psalm 116.  When you see the wicked wanting to ensnare you and you wish your prayer to reach God’s ears then wake up early and sing Psalm 5.  

For victory over the enemy and the saving of created things, take not glory to yourself but, knowing that it is the Son of God who has thus brought things to a happy issue, say to Him Psalm 9; and when you see the boundless pride of man, and evil passing great, so that among men (so it seems) no holy thing remains, take refuge with the Lord and say Psalm 12.  And if this state of things be long drawn out, be not faint-hearted, as though God had forgotten you, but call upon Him with Psalm 27. 

If you want to know how Moses prayed, you have the 90th Psalm. When you have been delivered from these enemies and oppressors, then sing Psalm 18; and when you marvel at the order of creation and God’s good providence therein and at the holy precepts of the law, Psalm 19 and Psalm 24 will voice your prayer; while Psalm 20 will give you words to comfort and to pray with others in distress.  

When you yourself are fed and guided by the Lord and, seeing it, rejoice, the 23rd Psalm awaits you.  Do enemies surround you?  Then lift up your heart to God and say Psalm 25, and you will surely see the sinners put to rout.  And when you want the right way of approach to God in thankfulness, with spiritual understanding sing Psalm 29.

So, then, my son, let whoever reads this book of Psalms take the things in it quite simply as God-inspired.  In every case the words you want are written down for you, and you can say them as your own.

Taken from “On the Incarnation”