Welcome to our Visitors (Dn. Alexios Demos & Zachary Heller)

This weekend, November 30-December 1), we will also welcome to our community Dn. Alexios, Diakonissa Constandina, and their daughter Panayiota from Denver, Colorado, and Zachary Heller from Toledo, OH.  

Dn Alexios Demos began his studies at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in 2019, transitioning from his five-year role as a youth director and pastoral assistant at St. Catherine in Denver, CO, where he grew up.  In 2020, Dn Alexios joined the CrossRoad Summer Program and eventually served as its program director for two years. While at Holy Cross, he met and married his wife, Constandina, a native of Fremont, CA, and a member of Ascension Cathedral in Oakland (she worked for the Office of Student Life for three years as the Director of Campus Housing). In 2023, they welcomed their beautiful daughter, Panayiota, into their family.  After graduation, their family returned to Denver, where he began working as the Director of Ministries at the Holy Metropolis of Denver. On November 16, he was ordained to the holy diaconate to further serve and travel with His Eminence Metropolitan Constantine.

Zachary was born and raised in Michigan before attending Ohio State University for Film Studies from 2014 to 2017. After a year off and a year-long stint in Film grad school, he enrolled at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Upon graduating in May 2023, he was assigned as the Ministry Coordinator/Pastoral Assistant at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Toledo, Ohio.  Zachary will offer the sermon on Sunday.  

Following Divine Services, we will host a parish potluck.  Please bring a lenten dish for our families to enjoy and as we welcome our guests.  The hall will be open before Orthros if you would like to drop items off in the kitchen.