Hellenic College will offer an “Introduction to Orthodoxy” course from January 13-May 13. It is an online/synchronous 3-credit course that Fr. Christopher will be privileged to teach. This is a global course, meaning students, young or older, from all over the world are invited to register for college credit or audit the class. The class will meet on Tuesdays from 3:30 - 5:50 PM (PST). The course overview is as follows:
"This course introduces students to Orthodox Christianity by surveying Orthodox theology, liturgy, the sacraments and rituals, art and culture, the veneration of saints, asceticism and monasticism, prayer, and spirituality. In addition to course readings, students will follow the daily Scripture readings and feasts and create/build upon daily devotions. The course is at once a study and practice of Orthodox Christianity: “A theologian is one who truly prays, and one who prays is truly a theologian” (Saint Evagrius).”
For more information, please visit: https://enrollment.hchc.edu/religion-3017