Parish Council Election Information & Candidate Form

Each of us, as baptized Orthodox Christians, is invited into a deeper relationship with Christ through the local parish, which is the fullness of the Church. We offer ourselves uniquely to the Lord and His Holy Church by prayerfully participating in Divine Services, studying His Word (and our Faith), and sharing His love by supporting parish, Metropolis, and Archdiocesan ministries. Whether clergy or laity, young or older, each of us needs to commit ourselves to Christ fully, and we do so through our active stewardship in the Parish.

The parish is administered by the clergy, who are assisted by members of the laity. Therefore, faithful men and women are invited to share in the sacred work of the Church through their participation in the Council. Members of the Parish Council do not serve for social reasons or status in the Church; instead, it is a means to express their devotion to Christ and His Church humbly.

In accordance with the 2019 Regulations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, all candidates seeking election to serve on the Parish Council must attend a PARISH COUNCIL SEMINAR organized by the local Parish Council and under the leadership of the Parish Priest. The purpose of the Seminar is to prepare candidates for the Parish Council and make them aware of the sacred responsibilities expected of a Council member. A PARISH COUNCIL SEMINAR will be held on Wednesday, December 6, at 6:30 PM and Thursday, December 14, at 6 PM in the Church Hall. All potential Parish Council members, including those seeking re-election, must attend ONE of the two seminars to be placed on the election ballot.

On Sunday, December 17, at the close of services, those running for the Parish Council will be introduced, and elections to the Parish Council will be held. To be placed on the ballot, candidates must complete the PETITION FOR CANDIDACY form (attached) and return it to the Church by Thursday, December 14 ( If a petition has not been submitted by this date, the person will be ineligible to run for Parish Council.

For more information about this opportunity to serve our Lord and His Holy Church, don't hesitate to get in touch with Father Christopher at or 916-772-9372. May our Lord, through the intercessions of Saint Anna, keep all of our parish leadership in His care.