Saint Porphyrios intercede on our behalf!

We were saddened to learn last evening from the Holy Patriarchate of Jerusalem that an airstrike from Israel hit the Church of St. Porphyrios in Gaza.  The Church is the oldest active Church in Gaza City, dating to the 5th century.  Archbishop Alexios of Tiberias confirmed that the offices and entrance to the Monastery were bombarded, with sections of the building collapsing. 

The Holy Order of Saint George the Great Martyr has set up a fund to assist families. Please consider giving to the Order or through IOCC. I also encourage you to read about the life of the Saint whose holy Relic we received at our parish some years ago.  Finally, I ask that you heed that request of the Order of Saint George to  "pray for the repose of the souls who were killed in the bombing; for strength and healing of the injured; for mercy on everyone, including the perpetrators; and for peace in the Holy Land and an end to this devastating war. Let God arise! Let his enemies be scattered!"

May Saint Porphyrios ever intercede on our behalf!

To Donate through the Holy Order of St. George

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More about St. Porphyrios