Mosquito Fire (Update, Request, & Prayers)

This past week, our region has again, sadly, been impacted by devastating wildfires. Our response to this and every other calamity that befalls us must be prayer - for those who have been evacuated/displaced, for those who have lost their homes and businesses, for those who fight these fires, and also for those who care for the ailing. Prayer, both corporate and private, are gifts to God, to one another, and to His creation. Prayer also leads us to other more specific or tangible expressions of God’s love and mercy for those in need within our community and beyond.

The Mosquito Fire as of late has burned over 14,000 acres and is at 0% containment. The next several days will surely be trying for our entire region on account of the extreme heat. More information is available and is regularly updated at

A few requests:
1) Be mindful of your well-being, both the safety of you and your loved ones if you are in proximity to these fires, as well as your health from the air quality.
2) If you have been evacuated and are in need of housing, please let us know so that we can attempt to find you housing.
3) If you are able to provide housing to a member of our community, immediately or in the near future, just in case, please let us know.
4) Please include the following prayer in your devotions.

Together, let us pray that God will keep safe those who fight the fires and that life and property will be preserved as the fires are extinguished. And, may our heartfelt prayers be well-pleasing to God.


Prayer for Protection from Raging Fires
(by Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes)

O Gracious God Who created the earth and all that is in it, Thou didst give us so many blessings. Indeed, Thou didst fill the world with so much beauty, bounty, and no end of wonders! We ask Thee now to save Thy people from nature’s furious fires. Save those in our region and throughout the State whose homes and families are in the path of the wildfires that are consuming the land. Give courage to those who fight fires, who clean up and help others to rebuild after disasters strike. Give strength to all survivors and peace to those whose lives are in danger. Send down abundant rain showers to quench the flames in California. As Thou didst send to Noah of old, send also the rainbow of hope. Nature may rage but Thou, O Lord, we know art a Loving God Who ever holds in Thy hand all Thou hast created. Unto Thee do we give thanks for all things! Grant us humility to repent of our negligence in tending Thy Creation and give us henceforth the will to serve Thee more faithfully. Protect homes and monasteries and all Thy people. In all the days of our lives let us remember to honor and worship Thee as the Living God: Father, Son, and All-Holy Spirit. Amen.