Saint Vincent de Paul (A voluteer opportunity the second Tuesday of the month)


In Matthew 25 it is clear that we are to feed the hungry. ‘In as much as you do it to the least of one of my brethren, you have done it onto me’. Our SVdP ministry has been committed and active for some 15 years. Our efforts with this local ministry (503 Giuseppe Court, Suite 8 Roseville, include preparing a meal, serving the meal, and cleaning up dishes. You do not need experience, just a willing, and loving heart!

Our SVdP designated day to serve is the second Tuesday of each month. We arrive by 9:30 am and are usually finished by 11:30 am with COVID times (the guests cannot enter the building). Non-COVID times are 9:30-1:30.

We always welcome volunteers and are actively looking to build a consistent team of folks that we can rotate amongst. If you are over the age of 14 and would like to be involved in rolling up your sleeves and helping those less fortunate than ourselves, please contact Markella 916-599-6909. And, God-willing, once we have a regular team of regular volunteers, we can request an additional day to serve those in need. May our efforts continued to be blessed.