Christ is born! Glorify Him!
In Ecclesiastes, we read “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” I’m fairly confident that we would all agree, it has been quite a season! Yes, the learning curve was steep, but thanks to be God for His abiding goodness as well as our prayerful agility to traverse these days with Grace as Christians and as citizens.
There has been much uncertainty and sadness during this season. Some family members and friends have fallen ill while others have passed, be it from COVID-19, another ailment, a tragedy or advanced age. Employment has been altered for many, and in some cases, work has been lost. Some individuals/families rely on others for philanthropy while they wait for industry to open back up or until new employment is identified. Primary grades through university studies have shifted in format for a time or remain altered, which is an adjustment for students, parents, siblings and the extended family. Time with family and friends has been limited, which makes us weary, if not anxious or sad. How we engage in worship, study and fellowship has been affected, causing frustration, and at times confusion or even anger.
Let’s be honest, there really hasn’t been, nor will there ever be, any simple answer or quick solution to any of our woes. Of course we are entitled to muse on the state of humanity, the United States, the Church, etc., but if we don’t: 1) Put these matters to prayer, and then 2) Act with purpose and unto salvation, these musing, no matter how insightful we perceive them to be, remain but temptations that lead us away from Christ, His Church and one another. Put another way, the ego, the “I”, the “me” are self-deceiving and dangerous if not tempered by the Holy Spirit. Like St. Paul we ought to say, “It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me."
Balancing the directives of a collegial yet hierarchical Church as well as considering the mandates of a state and nation is trying to say the least. We’ve attempted to remain prayerful, thoughtful and intentional as clergy and Parish Council members, honoring the directives of our hierarchy and those in civic authority, while balancing the realities of our region and the needs of our faithful.
Have we compromised our Orthodox faith or fallen to apostasy at our Parish? No.
Have we been limited at times as to how we’ve been able to participate in services, studies, and fellowship at the Parish? Absolutely.
Would we make all of the same decisions, knowing what we know now? Probably not.
Do I take responsibility for my shortcomings as your priest as well as for our collective failures as parish leadership? Yes, without hesitation. And, for these failures and for others, I ask your forgiveness.
During this season though, there have also been many blessings for us to celebrate. Thanks be to God and for the intercessions of the Saints, as well as to His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos, Fr. Seraphim, Dn. Joseph, our Parish Council, Morfoula, Anna and our Religious Educators, our Philoptochos…and our stewards, we’ve gracefully, prayerfully and cleverly continued to live our lives in Christ, and I’d like to think, manifested a ministry that is well-pleasing to Him. In addition to praying services on our grounds (whether inside or outside), we now broadcast our services for those homebound. Our regular study classes transitioned online - I imagine will continue as a ministry for those unable to join us in person - we added a Parish book study and our Religious Educators even started providing a weekly grab bag for younger and older alike. Our junior high school and high school youth groups have been fellowshipping primarily online with their advisors for several months. Our philanthropy has increased; we met all of our budgetary obligations around the world and increased our giving to those inside and beyond the parish who have been in need. We exceeded our stewardship goal for 2020 and also received more donations to our Building Fund. We’ve sent our building plans with minor revisions back to the City of Roseville for approval and continue to work with our contractor and iconographer so that we can begin the construction of our Sanctuary in the Spring. And, thanks be to God, we’ve prayed Baptisms, Chrismations, Weddings, Holy Unction, the Rite of Confession and funerals, celebrated engagements and anniversaries and also been afforded the opportunity to receive the greatest of Gifts, the Holy Eucharist.
In closing, I express my heartfelt gratitude to Fr. Seraphim, Dn. Joseph, our Parish Council and to those of you who call Saint Anna Parish your spiritual home. Thank you for the resiliency, the faith, the hope, the dedication and the joy you bring to our Parish and her ministries. I also express my gratitude to you, our friends, who pray at and support the ministries of our sister parishes. It’s a blessing to witness our Orthodox Christian faith together, regardless of the locale or jurisdiction. May our Lord, through the intercessions of Ss. Joachim and Anna, grant you health, joy, prosperity and every good gift unto salvation in this new year.