Fall General Assembly (December 8) Agenda, Spring Minutes, Reports, Proposed 25 Budget

The following is the proposed agenda for the next General Assembly meeting. Join us on Sunday, December 8, immediately following Divine Services. All active stewards* of the Church of Saint Anna are encouraged to participate.

1.    Prayer & Call to Order

2.    Selection of General Assembly Chair

3.    Approval of Minutes of previous GA

4.    Clergy Report

5.    President’s Report

6.    Treasurer’s Report

7.    Community Updates (reports will be posted on the parish website).

  a.    Philoptochos

  b.    Religious Education  

  c.     Archangel Gabriel Bookstore 

  d.    Byzantine Chanting

  e.    Youth & Young Adult Ministries

   f.     Stewardship

  g.    2024 Greek Food Festival

  h.    St. Vincent de Paul

  i.      Fellowship Groups

8.    Old Business

  a.    Sanctuary Beautification and Capital Campaign

9.    New Business

  a.    2025 Operating Budget

10. For the Good of the Parish

11. Closing Prayer

12. Adjournment

*To be considered a member in good standing, the member must regularly participate in the life of the parish and have fulfilled the previous year’s stewardship commitment and contributed toward the current year’s commitment.  New members may exercise their vote at Parish Assemblies if they have been in good standing at the parish for at least three months.

Congregational Singing & Chanting, submitted by Tim Burkhard

At our parish, we prayerfully sing our music in an accessible way while being faithful to the traditions handed down across many centuries. We chant as clearly as possible in English, using standard musical notation. We practice "congregational singing" during the Divine Liturgy. Yet we use the traditional "tones" and recognizable melodies across the Orthodox world. We meet weekly on Wednesday evenings to study the Divine Liturgy and the Vespers and Orthros repertoire.

We need more helpers in the music program. I hope that some more individuals with a music background (reading music and voice/choral) will be inspired to join us in studying and singing during services. We are also working on forming a girl's choir that can lead the congregational singing at Liturgy.

Stewardship Report, submitted by Marci Pelka

Another year, hard to imagine, time really does fly. No matter where you go, the malls, grocery stores, drive through for fast food or coffee, you cannot help but see the hustle and bustle of the season.  Parking lots are full.  There are so many packages being delivered, gifts abound.

But once again, our faithful stewards have not forgotten that everything we have and are is a gift from God.  Our stewards have shown that they are grateful and generous with the gifts and blessings God bestows on us each and every day.  How much can your offering do for Christ and His church? It depends on your love for Christ. We give back to Christ not according to our means but according to our love for Him. We are called to be stewards, love God with our entire being, give of our time, talents and treasury.  Five simple words say it all: we give from our hearts.

Our annual budget for 2024 is $460,000. As of October 2024 (I do not have the November figures), our year-to-date budget is $448,432. Basically, we need $11,568 to meet our budget. We have once again exceeded our budget. Thanks be to God and to our faithful stewards, who know what a privilege it is to give back to God by supporting those in need, funding Christ’s ministries through St. Anna’s, and meeting the church's operational needs.

Stewardship has three “T”s: time, talent, and treasury. We are called to be generous in all areas of our lives.  There are many opportunities that one can share here at St. Anna’s. Our prayer shawl ministry reaches around the world.  Our acolytes serve Orthros and Divine Liturgy weekly and sometimes on weekday services.  Our Sunday school is thriving thanks to our dedicated teachers.  We have bell ringers.  Stewards of our parish volunteer to serve at St. Vincent de Paul.  Others bring flowers to the church.  Others step up for candle duty, sandbox cleaning, greeting new people, provide meals to those in need. And it goes on, but only when our stewards take it upon themselves to assist in so many areas.

Once again, I am so grateful to all our faithful stewards who give freely from their hearts.  In giving, we show our love for God and draw closer to Him.

To become a steward of St. Anna’s, we only need your name and address. A stewardship packet will be sent to you.  I invite you all to read Heartfelt Stewardship in the weekly bulletin.  Become a steward!  It’s never too late.

“I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare.”  C. S. Lewis


The Parish of St. Ann Mount Kenya (Update)

In 2016, our parish began financially supporting St. Ann Parish in the Diocese of Nyeri and Mount Kenya. Our yearly contribution has helped finance the first church and sustain Fr. Cosmas's ministry. What joy and privilege it has been to witness the vibrant faith of our brothers and sisters in Christ under the care of their priest and their chief shepherd, His Grace Bishop Panaretos. May our Good Lord continue to bless our sister parish!

Below are recent photos from their community.

Prayers & Support for the Hong Family

Earliest this fall, we welcomed the Hong family to our community. Although they live in Georgetown, Jonathan, Jiana, and Taylor attend Divine Services and regularly participate in our Catechism classes. God-willing, they will all be received into the Church in the spring!  

As you will read in the attached, Jiana learned that her unborn son, Tayden, was diagnosed with severe non-immune fetal hydrops.  It was a very difficult diagnosis to receive, but by God's Grace, they continue to maintain hope. 

Besides asking for your prayers, I’ve also encouraged them to set up a GoFundMe page so that we can support them during this season, 

Whether for Tayden or Jiana’s medical care or to provide for their family, I invite you to give.  At the least, I ask your prayers for their family.  

May our Good Lord through the intercessions of Ss. Joachim and Anna keep Joanthan, Jiana, Taylor and Tayden in His care.  

Philoptochos - Feed the Hungry / Thanksgiving 2024

Thank you again for your support and generosity for our FEED THE HUNGRY ministry.

Together, we were able to raise funds to sponsor 75 families in need from the Brown, Buljan, Cirby, Crestmont, Eich, Gates, Jefferson, Kaseberg, Sargeant, Spanger, and Woodbridge schools...and in time for Thanksgiving 2024.

Packages were delivered to Principals today to distribute gifts and for groceries to ensure tables--and bellies--will be full. We have attached some images for you.

I hope and pray that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, continues to provide for these families and grant them every blessing from above.

With love and gratitude,

Linda Stoll

Newly Installed Icons of St. Panteliemon and Panagia Eliestria

Thanks be to God and Fausto's hard work, our two side altars are complete. Below are two links about the Holy Unmercenary Healer, St. Panteliemon, and the Holy Icon of Panagia Eliestria.  

Saint Panteliemon was selected for this niche for several reasons: We have his Holy Relic, a Physician Saint seemed appropriate since we are less than a mile from Sutter and Kaiser hospitals, and we don’t have a church dedicated to him in our Holy Metropolis. What a blessing it was, and it will be, to celebrate his feast day from this altar on July 27.

Panagia Eliestria was a unique selection but most meaningful to our parish.  The first two icons of our parish, now in the salon to the left in the narthex, were painted in Koroni, Greece, by a family member of our parishioners.  There, in the village of Koroni, we find a Church dedicated to Panagia Eliestria and the miraculous finding of the Holy Icon.  What makes it all the more special is that our woodworker, George, crafted the wooden case for this icon in Koroni; now, he will frame the niche that houses the holy icon here in Roseville.  I’m confident this is the only icon of its kind in the United States, making it all the more remarkable when we celebrate the Feast on January 22.  

Piece Meal, Thursday, Nov 14

Thanksgiving is the most Christian of our country's “secular” holidays.  What could be more Christian than to give thanks to God for our many blessings?  On Thanksgiving itself, our parishioners are often visiting extended family all over the state and country.  Which is why, for years now, we gather to celebrate with our church family some days beforehand.  We call this a “Piece Meal” because everyone brings a “piece” of the meal; you are encouraged to bring peace with you as well!

This year’s Thanksgiving potluck will be on Thursday, November 14, beginning at 6 pm.  We typically have a good turnout, and a wonderful evening of food and fellowship.  To help ensure that we have a good balance of potluck dishes, please sign up for a dish of your choice at the link below.  Or if you prefer, you can notify church office staff of your choice, and they will enter the information online for you.

Sign up here

Thank you for supporting our College Carepackages!

On behalf of our college students, thank you to our Philoptochos for coordinating our College Care Packages. As we share with our students each year, we reach out to them with encouragement and treats to let them know we are thinking of them. In 2021, this Philoptochos ministry was dedicated in loving memory to Victoria Marie Kopp, a U.C. Santa Cruz graduate and recipient of our packages. She reposed in the Lord following a brave battle with brain cancer. In her memory, Victoria’s parents— Richard and Marina—gift prayer books and cross bracelets, and our Philoptochos fill their boxes with other treats. Our shared hope and prayer is that our college students will be inspired to build their relationship with Jesus Christ and The Most Holy Theotokos (Victoria’s patron saint and ultimate Christian role model for us all).

The Katerini Zoe Tea Party (Dec 7, St. Anthony Church, Reno)

The Butler Family is holding their annual Katerini Zoe Birthday Tea Party fundraiser in loving memory of their beloved daughter, who would be celebrating her 7th birthday. The event will be held in Reno at St. Anthony’s GOC on Dec 7th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The family would like to extend the invitation to St. Anna's congregation, whom they hold very dear.

The Katerini Zoe Medical Outreach Program's mission is to advocate for individuals with Down syndrome within the medical setting, provide accredited CME presentations for medical providers, including all caregivers, on evidence-based care for individuals with Down syndrome, with in-person and pre-recorded events, and facilitate the development of a medical center specifically for individuals with Down syndrome and other diagnosed mental and developmental disabilities and delays.

Philoptochos - Our 2024 care packages have shipped!

This is just a quick note to thank all those who worked so hard to make our college care packages fabulous this year! Whether you donated to the package contents--from Fall-themed baked goods to purchased items—or if you donated your time to help assemble them last night or to deliver and ship them today, we are so very grateful.

Our 32 students, seminarians, and deployed military members will undoubtedly feel our Saint Anna love.  May the memory of Victoria Marie Kopp, to whom this ministry is dedicated, be eternal.  

With love in Christ,

Saint Anna