Proposed Agenda
Sunday, December 5, 2022
The following is the proposed agenda for the next General Assembly meeting. Join us on Sunday, November 5 immediately following Divine Services in the Church for our Assembly and Parish Potluck. All active stewards* of the Church of Saint Anna are encouraged to participate.
1. Prayer & Call to Order
2. Selection of General Assembly Chair
3. Approval of Minutes of previous GA
4. Clergy Report, Fr. Christopher Flesoras, Fr. Seraphim Ivey, and Dn. Joseph Ruocco Brown
5. President’s Report, Emil Sicoe
6. Treasurer’s Report, Penny Changaris
7. Old Business
a. Construction Update, Jason Jurrens, Paul Stamas, and Joe Fancher
b. Sanctuary Beautification and Capital Campaign, John Sobchak and Sia Efstathiu
c. Amendment to Parish Bylaws
8. New Business
a. Proposed 2023 Budget, Emil Sicoe
9. For the Good of the Parish
a. Parish Council Elections, December 18
b. Open Comments
10. Closing Prayer
11. Adjournment
Saint Anna Greek Orthodox Church
General Assembly Minutes
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Minutes: Timothy Burkhard, Secretary Present:
Clergy: Rev. Dr. Christopher Flesoras, Rev. Fr. Seraphim Ivey, Dcn Joseph Ruocco-Brown. Officers:Emil Sicoe, President; Hannah Lorenz, Vice-President;, Treasurer; Timothy Burkhard, Secretary.
Parish Council Members Present: Hannah Lorenz, Elaine Pappas, Ava Romero, Peter Knoblich, Richard Kopp, Penny Changaris, Leo Pantoja, Anna Tzu, Jerry Mathew, Kent Joris. Stewards Present: Angela Matsen, Glemm Matsen, Marci Pelka, Lynda Stoll, Angeliki Rosenburg, Linda Friedrich, Michael Magliola, Markella Magliola, Brittany Erdmann, Matthew Erdmann, Marina Kopp, Cloud Contos, Mark Allen, Anna Ruocco Brown, Stephanie Brown, Tony Brown, Paul Stamas, Renie Carr, Sandra Samis, Peter Efstathiu, Sia Efstathiu, Bethany Burrows, Miriam Sabbagh, Jacqueline Dermitzakis, Dean Flesoras, Natali Avelino, John Sobchak, Susie Sobchak, Anna Erdmann, Tom Erdmann, Susan Skarakis, Lynne Iseminger, Nicholas Iseminger, Sandy Alexiou, Susan Awabdy, George Kardous, Androniki, Carmen Sicoe, Alexandra Taverna, Jason Jurrens, Kathey West, Bobby Gallagher, Lily Gallagher, Marcela Martei, Niveen Farr Harb, Herman Jacobs, Sara Jurrens.
Prayer and Call to Order
Selection of General Assembly Chair
Peter Efstathiu was nominated and selected to be the general assembly chair.
Approval of Previous Minutes
Marci Pelka moves to approve, Richard Kopp seconds, the motion passes.
Clergy Report
● Fr Chris:
○ Weekly akathist prayers continue.
○ Studies and fellowships continue
○ Father shared a history of our community for everyone’s benefit, but especially
for those who are new to the community. Reflected on the heritage of the
community and the example of the founders.
○ No pilgrimage to the Holy Land this fall in anticipation of the end of the building
● Fr Seraphim:
○ Bible studies are continuing but will pause for the summer.
President’s Report
○ Thank God that our Parish has returned to the normal schedule of services and activities after the pandemic.
○ Construction continues, slower than anticipated originally.
○ Philoptochos continues their ministries.
Treasurer’s Report
○ Presented by Emil.
○ Presented by Kathy Craighead.
○ Meetings are in person.
○ Accepting donations online.
○ Summarized the ministries of Philoptochos.
Religious Education
○ Presented by Fr Chris.
○ Cynthia is stepping down.
○ New space for the bookstore, located in the new church, is being designed.
Youth and Young Adult Ministries
○ Presented by Marci Pelka.
○ Budget for the year is $450,000.
○ Brought in $59,000 in April.
○ Currently $38,000 ahead of budget.
○ 266 steward families.
Sanctuary Construction
○ Presented by Jason Jurrens.
○ Financial update provided by John Sobchak.
○ We have raised and collected ~$4.6 million.
○ Anticipated loan is ~$4.4 million.
○ Working to lock in the interest rates now.
○ Going to install a more expensive type of plaster finish to the interior surface to
accept the mosaic icons. Will do fundraising, hoping to raise $300,000 by September.
Amendment to Parish Bylaws
○ Proposed new language to the Parish By-Laws:
“Any real property or interest in real property donated to a parish in lieu of cash with the intent of the donor that the parish will sell the property can be accepted and sold by a majority vote of the Parish Council without the need of a General Assembly vote provided that the parish is not encumbered by ot responsible for any transaction or escrow fees, commissions, property taxes or other expenses pursuant to the transaction. The parish will be held harmless from any liability. The donation shall be accompanied by a letter signed by the donor that this is a donation in lieu of cash with the intent that the parish will sell it.”
○ Motion to forward this verbiage to the Metropolis by Paul Stamas, and seconded by Sia Efstathiu.
For the Good of the Parish Adjournment