General Assembly Report of St. Anna Parish Council President, Emil Sicoe (5 Dec, 21) 

General Assembly Report of St. Anna Parish Council President, Emil Sicoe (5 Dec, 21) 

I am humbled and thankful to our Lord Christ for His great mercy bestowed upon us through the holy Communion we shared today, and that we were able to come together here in this assembly again and discussing our ministry. 

The year of the Lord 2021 began in the shadow of a gloomy Covid pandemic that forced us out of the sanctuary building, yet resiliently continuing our regular worshiping prayers under the tent canopy, and under elements. While our congregation gathered in prayer on site, a large number of faithful joined their prayers online. We were hopping that the newly released vaccines could bring the pandemic to a quick ending, the reality proved that everything will happen in God’s time. Thanks be to God that we were spared from having a Covid infection hot-spot on site. As the restrictions were gradually lifted, on early April we could resume the services inside the church while keeping a sitting area outdoors as well. 

This way we progressed to having more regularly youth activities in person, and on late Summer we were happy to resume Sunday school for all the children, with the blessings and leadership of Father Seraphim assisted by Ana Tsu and Nick Pasco. 

Bible Study classes that were regularly online in 2020 continued that way to the second half of 2021 when Father Christopher, Father Seraphim, and Deacon Joseph made them available in person while some of the seminars continued online as well. Parish Council and Building Committe embraced the convenience of online meetings, and are yet continued that way. 

In February, Father Christopher had the initiative to increase the potential of our church grounds on sustainability projects and gave us the blessings to planting 35 fruit trees, and 43 more citrus trees were prepared for planting starting this Fall. Our small apiary produced around 100 pounds of honey that was gladly shared to our parishioners. The vineyard harvest was modestly yielding several gallons of juice, and we hope that the resulting wine to meet the quality needed for communion wine. 

We were happily sharing our talent, time, and fellowship in a series of three food to go festivals in May, July, and September, under the gracious leadership of Stephane Tziavaras and Christy Moustris. 

His holiness Metropolitan Gerasimos joined us in celebrating our most worthy Father Christopher’s 25 years of holy ministry, as our community gathered in a wonderful agape luncheon on October 10th. 

Our parish Philoptokos under gracious and tireless leadership of Kathy Craighead, and with Deacon Joseph’s blessings, continued its charity work and resuming their traditional fundraising and sharing our alms and grace to those in need. In the same spirit our parish volunteers lead by Markella Magliola were helping at the Saint Vincent the Paul foundation with meal preparation, serving on every Tuesday. 

With God’s grace we marked this year a major milestone in our Parish history as we commissioned the construction of Saint Anna’s shrine. In January the Building Committee, having an instrumental leadership in Jason Jurrens and Paul Stamas has concluded the selection of a General Contractor and negotiating the cost for the sanctuary building. In February, the Parish Council and Special General Assembly unanimously approved the sanctuary project budget, and AP Thomas as General Contractor. In early April the necessary line of credit from Five Star Bank was secured thanks to our Capital Campaign Chair and benefactor John Sobchek. At the end of April, the project architect Lionakis completed all the final plans reviews requested by the City Engineering Division. AP Thomas was able to secure the building permit and received our notice to proceed with construction on early May. Our church sanctuary was contracted to being completed in the second part of June 2022. Once the work commenced, Building Committee was closely monitoring the progress of the construction and holding weekly and biweekly meetings. Our Project Manager Joe Fancher had permanently following up and coordinating all the parties working on this project, and keeping the BC updated. Stephen Kristoff has graciously helping with installing a live camera so all of us could watch the worksite at any time. Stephen was periodically sharing with our community his wonderful montages on the progress of the work. We praise God for all the blessings, and venerate Saint Anna for her love and intercessions, praying to keep our clergy and community in the unity of faith and steadfast commitment to this magnificent project. 

I was deeply moved observing the tireless and unconditional love, support, prayers and blessings from our clergy, and I am asking you all to keeping them on your prayers!

Thank you!

Elementary-age Youth Group begins this month!

Families of St. Anna Parish,

We’re excited to begin programming for our elementary-aged youth, providing our youth and their families opportunities to grow together through fellowship in Christ. We’ll begin this month, enjoying our 2nd annual Trunk or Treat from 7-9 PM on October 29. Families are invited to decorate their trunks to create an even more festive evening for our children (please be mindful that decorations should be respectful of our Faith as well as the Church grounds. You are asked to park around our parking lot and offer only wrapped candies or goodies. Like last year, we will have prizes for the best-themed trunk (if you’d like to host a game/activity at your car, you are welcome to do so). This year, we will also have a food/dessert/drink table for our children. Two craft tables will also be set up.

To sign up for the event or to offer your time and talent, please visit You can also contact Nicole who is helping coordinate this event through the website for ideas or to volunteer.

Again, the plan is to have at least an activity each month with a minimum of five adults (including Nicole) to help to chair the gathering and or outing. The children receive an amazing education in our Sunday School Program from our knowledgeable teachers, so our vision is to complement these lessons with a monthly activity or outing to help the relationships flourish with our children and their families, in and through Christ.

Our tentative yearlong calendar includes the following:

• October: Halloween Trunk or Treat Event (October 29)

• November: Piece Meal (November 15 at the close of Holy Unction)

• December: Christmas Program (caroling)

• January: Start the year off right and have an outdoor park fit obstacle course or challenge day.

• February: We can host our very own Valentine’s Family dance-a-thon (we can possibly sponsor a charity or purchase an icon for the new building with funds raised) / Parish Retreat (St. Nicholas Ranch)

• March: We can plan a bowling event or other venue.

• April/May: depending on the calendar for Pascha, Easter Egg Hunt, and a craft-making event for Mother’s Day. / Holy Friday Retreat

• June: potluck swim day. Father’s Day Lunch

• July: Patriotic Craft (water balloon play at the park with potluck) / Saint Nicholas Ranch Summer Camp

• August: Back to School Event at the Parish. Cultural dancing in anticipation of our Festival

• September: Studio Movie Grill 5$ Tuesday. Festival of St. Anna

• October: Outing to a pumpkin patch and Halloween Trunk or Treat Even.t

• November: Outing to Apple Hill. Piece Meal

• December: Christmas Program

Food-To-Go Festival (September 11)

In memory of 9/11 and in appreciation of today’s first responders, Saint Anna will dedicate its next Greek Food To-Go event to honor those who put their own lives at risk in order to save others. May their service and sacrifice never be forgotten, and may their memories be eternal.

Order ahead by September 8 at and pick-up curbside on September 11 and Gift a Meal to a local hero in Roseville or on the frontlines of the Dixie Fire. We will deliver the gifted meals for you.

We are better together. 

Fires in Northern California

We offer our continued prayers for all of the firefighting and medical personnel, (both local and from out of state), as well as for the residents who have been either fighting or fleeing from the Dixie Fire, the recently ignited Caldor Fire and other fires, most notably in Northern California.  Thus far in the season, over 1,100,000 acres have burned and over 1,800 structures have been destroyed on account of all of the fires in our state.  As of late, the Dixie Fire is 31% contained while the Caldor Fire is 0% contained.  For more information, please visit:

Dixie Fire:

Caldor Fire:

We ask our families to please be mindful of your wellbeing: both the safety of you and your loved ones, if you are in proximity to these fires, as well as your health from the air quality.  If the Parish can be of assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to contact Fr. Seraphim or Fr. Christopher.  If the need arises and your family is open to hosting others from our Parish who have been evacuated from their homes, please let us know as well.  

Finally, we ask that you include the following prayer in your private devotion. Together, let us pray that God will keep safe those who fight the fires and that life and property will be preserved as the fires are extinguished.



(a modified version of a prayer by Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens of blessed memory, translated from the original Greek) 

Lord Jesus Christ, our God and Savior. At this hour of great trial which our world is undergoing due to the fires which are utterly burning our natural resources and destroying our properties, in northern California and elsewhere, we feel the need to flee unto You for help, asking for Your mercy and for our safekeeping. 

You saved the three Holy Children from the fire and glorified many Holy Martyrs when You ordered that not the flames of the furnace nor the red-hot irons of their tormentors touch them. 

Lord, still the strong winds which multiply the fire’s destructive power and strengthen those who are called to confront it. 

To those who are impacted and have lost their properties grant the power to endure; to those who had victims within their families grant comfort. 

Lord, we do not know the causes of these fires; and if they are due to the heatwave or to human negligence, forgive the negligent and rescue Your people and Your inheritance from this threat, from the possible continuation of the destruction and from rekindling of homes. 

If, however, the fires are due to the deceitful action of arsonists, Lord, let them be aware of their crime that they have willfully perpetrated at the expense of our people and Your creation.

Yes, Lord, we are sinners and we confess our weaknesses. Yet, Your Church cries out to You: “Unto You alone have we sinned, but also You alone we worship.” 

We recognize our mistakes and we repent, with tears. Forgive us sinners and teach us Your precepts. 

At this difficult hour, with Your blessed hand, shelter us and protect our blessed land. Rescue us from every situation and give us, once again, the joy of prosperity and of safety. 

We call upon Your most holy Mother the Theotokos and all Your saints to intercede on our behalf. Amen.

Prayers for Californians

We offer our continued prayers for all of the firefighting and medical personnel, (both local and from out of state), as well as for the residents who have been either fighting the Dixie Fire or have been fleeing from and/or having to deal with it in one shape or another. The fire to date is one of California's largest single fires, having burned 488,000 acres and is only 25% contained at this point. More information about the fire may be found here:

We ask our families to please be mindful of your wellbeing: both the safety of you and your loved ones, if you are in proximity to these fires, as well as your health from the air quality. We would also ask that you include the prayer at the close of this email in your private devotion. Together, let us pray that God will keep safe those who fight the fires and that life and property will be preserved as the fires are extinguished.

Prayer for Protection from Raging Fires

(by Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes)

O Gracious God Who created the earth and all that is in it, Thou didst give us so many blessings. Indeed, Thou didst fill the world with so much beauty, bounty, and no end of wonders! We ask Thee now to save Thy people from nature’s furious fires. Save those in California whose homes and families are in the path of the wildfires that are consuming the land. Give courage to those who fight fires, who clean up and help others to rebuild after disasters strike. Give strength to all survivors and peace to those whose lives are in danger. Send down abundant rain showers to quench the flames in California. As Thou didst send to Noah of old, send also the rainbow of hope. Nature may rage but Thou, O Lord, we know art a Loving God Whoever holds in Thy hand all Thou hast created. Unto Thee do we give thanks for all things! Grant us humility to repent of our negligence in tending Thy Creation & give us henceforth the will to serve Thee more faithfully. Protect homes and monasteries and all Thy people. In all the days of our lives let us remember to honor and worship Thee as the Living God: Father, Son, and All-Holy Spirit. Amen. Through the prayers of the holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on us and save us.