A few thoughts as we continue to integrate back into communal worship

As we continue to refine our processes of receiving and welcoming you, our beloved parishioners, back into parish life and communal worship, I wanted to take a moment to not only extend my gratitude to our Parish leadership for their hard work, love and devotion, but to offer a few midweek notes and thoughts to you as well:

1. While our guidelines may seem burdensome or even unnecessary to some, they are in fact very reasonable,responsible and respective of others and are in sync with our greater Orthodox Christian community as well with regards on how to mitigate the risk for our faithful.  Additionally, we presently follow the best practices as directed by the CDC for all Houses of Worship.

2. Nothing is to be signed by parishioners when coming to the church. We simply ask that you review the symptoms of COVID-19, sanitize your hands before entering and don’t enter the church if you or your family member has a fever.  Similar measures are in place for those of us who are serving out in the world as part of the COVID-19 Joint Task Force to ensure the wellbeing of our families and co-workers, so I would expect nothing less from our churchesas well!

3. The ChurchCenter application is a convenient and practical tool for us to use so that parishioners may sign-up for services online and in advance. It is not used for tracking attendance. It’s also a way by which many of us can continue to actively support the ministries of our parish. 

4. As we come back together to worship together in person, we will continue to broadcast services when they are prayed; so that more of our faithful will be able to virtually attend. Shortly after the service is prayed, the video is deleted, it is not archived.

5. If you are unable or uncomfortable coming to worship (there are now multiple opportunities throughout the week), please coordinate with Fr. Seraphim to set a time to pray at your home or at the parish. 

 I would also like to add, that in times of crisis, there are always those individuals who will attempt to exploit individuals by attempting to gather their personal information.  Please DO NOT provide any financial information, or any social security numbers or any personal information to anyone who is calling or texting or emailing you saying that they are part of “Contract Tracing” group or organization. THIS IS A SCAM.   No personal information is ever gathered by a reputable organization, or by the State or by the Federal Government in this manner.  

Welcoming our Faithful back to Communal Worship

Beloved in Christ,

Our parish has since her inception remained ever committed to worship, to study, to fellowship and to service. We, “…worship Him in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). We, “…grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). We fellowship, ever-mindful that “…truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1-3). We serve one another, “…as good stewards of the manifold grace of God (1 Peter 4:10). We do all of this, heeding the admonition of our Lord to: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has certainly tried our parish, as well as the world around us too. Thankfully, though there has been uncertainty, isolation, illness and in some cases death, these things have been countered by steadfastness, prayerful petitions, consolation, and hope in the Resurrection. These affects and responses though aren’t unique to a pandemic; they are simply the realities of a fallen world in which Christians, who navigated the days of the Great Fast, commemorated the Passion, celebrated the Resurrection, and anticipate the sending of the Holy Spirit, live in.

As clergy then, we have deliberately attempted to define this season not as pandemic in nature, but rather as a season unto salvation. Yes, it was and it remains an adjustment, but nonetheless we have adjusted. Services were broadcast so that we could worship; study classes were put online so that we could study; young and old alike were invited into fellowship or contacted to inquire about their wellness; and the means by which we could not only support our ministries, but also serve those in and beyond our parish were identified. Thanks be to God for all things!

Throughout this season, we have prayed in each and every service for our civic leaders, as well as our researchers and our medical personnel. We have also remained both thankful for and obedient to the directives of our Holy Metropolis and Archdiocese. Now, we take an intentional, thoughtful and prayerful step together, Church and State, towards the welcoming back of our faithful to their spiritual home.

Therefore, in accordance with the ongoing and diligent efforts being put forth by the Metropolis of San Francisco, as well as with the direction of Placer County, we are putting forth the following instructions:

  • We will continue to live broadcast our services for those who are unable or uncomfortable in coming back to the Parish at this present time.

  • Our worship spaces, the narthex and the bathrooms will be sanitized prior to and after services.

  • We will limit the number of parishioners attending services. Parishioners will be asked to sign-up for services at https://saintanna.churchcenter.com/home or on the Church Center App by clicking on “Events” (please register each individual in your immediate family who will be attending). We will be pleased to assist you with downloading this software.

  • Once we reach our occupancy limit, some parishioners might be turned away from services. Therefore, if you are registered to attend, but your plans change, please contact the Church Office so that we can adjust our list accordingly.

  • We encourage you to download the “Digital Chant Stand” App on your phone/tablet for the hymnography of Vespers and Orthros as liturgical books will not be available. We will be pleased to assist you with downloading this software if need be.

  • Two Liturgies will be prayed on Sunday to accommodate more of our faithful: the first Liturgy will begin at 8:30am, while the second liturgy will begin at 10:00am.

  • A Wednesday liturgy service will also be offered at 10:00am, for a limited number of parishioners who are considered to be higher risk:

    • People aged 65 years and older.

    • Those parishioners with Chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma, serious heart conditions, immunocompromised including cancer treatment, severe obesity, or other medical conditions such as diabetes, renal failure or liver disease.

  • Parishioners who are signed up for services are asked to arrive 15 minutes (at minimum) before service starts, so that they may go through screening process and be seated.

  • So that we may express our respect for the sanctity of the divine services being prayed in the church; whether Vespers, Orthros, or Divine Liturgy, once services have begun, parishioners who arrive late, will not be admitted.

  • We ask that you self-diagnose you / your family members health levels prior to coming to church.

  • There will be a designated tent set up outside the Narthex to receive our parishioners. A greeter will ask you to review a list of questions regarding your health and also take your temperature. If you have a fever (100.4 or above) when your temperature is taken or if you are symptomatic, we will ask that you not come into services. Instead we ask that you please follow-up with your health care provider.

  • Sanitizer for your hands will be available for you to use prior to entering the Church. You are encouraged to bring your own as well.

  • We strongly recommend that a mask be worn during worship. Masks will be made available for those who arrive at the parish without proper PPE.

  • Please have your offering in an envelope before you come to church and place it in the tray in the Narthex (there will be no passing of the tray in church). You may also wish to purchase candles and make your stewardship offering online via our Church Center App.

  • Veneration of icons and Holy Relics should be done by bowing before the Holy Icon or Holy Relics and making the sign of the Cross.

  • Physical distancing (6’ from people not in your immediate family) should be maintained while in the Church.

  • Parishioners from an immediate household (mother, father, and children only – people living in the same space and who arrived in the same vehicle) may sit together (parents, please keep your children with you during services). Please limit your movement in the Church.

  • Parishioners should refrain from singing since singing this aerosolizes the virus and accelerates its transmission by propelling it further than the 6-foot social distancing requirement.

  • We ask that if a parishioner needs to cough, he/she does so into their arm.

  • We ask that you refrain from all: handshaking, hugging, and/or having physical contact with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • Parishioners who are prepared to receive the Holy Eucharist are asked to:

    • Follow the instructions of our ushers.

    • Remain 6 feet away from the next person (not a part of your immediate family) as you come forward.

    • Not grab onto the Communion cloth. Instead, it will be held under for you, but not touching your chin as you offer your Baptismal or Chrismated name.

    • Lean your head back and open your mouth wide so that the priest may administer the Holy Eucharist.

  • The clergy will offer antidoron at the end of the Divine Liturgy (please do not reverence the hand of the clergy at this time). At the close of services, we ask that you depart Church grounds so that we may prepare the church for our next service. Coffee fellowship is postponed until further notice.

As our faithful prepare to return to the Parish for services, parishioners are also reminded to:

  • Stay at home if they or any member of their household is sick or feeling unwell

  • Maintain appropriate physical distancing.

Practice good hygiene:

  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;

  • Use hand sanitizers when soap and water are not readily available;

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your cough/sneeze into your elbow;

  • Teach and reinforce health hygiene practices;

  • Ensure adequate supplies (e.g., soap, paper towels, hand sanitizer, within your home and work place) to support health hygiene practices.

  • Routinely (at least once per day, if possible) clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched within your household or workplace e.g., doorknobs, light switches, sink handles, countertops, etc.).

Once again, our Parish leadership is attentive to the spiritual and physical well-being of our parishioners. We will continue to respect the directives of His Eminence, Metropolitan Gerasimos, as well as monitoring Placer County’s regulations and guidelines, so that we may effectively meet the needs of our Parish. We remain most confident and hopeful in our efforts knowing that “with God, all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

We are ever grateful that we have had our Divine Services livestreaming via Facebook and we will continue to host opportunities for study and fellowship online via Zoom. We encourage you to reach out to your brothers and sisters in Christ, to help them to stay connected, whether it be on the phone, via a social-media platform or in person with the appropriate physical distancing. We ask also that you please continue your financial support of our ministries, philanthropy and our Building Program (an update is coming shortly).

As we continue to pray for you, we ask that you please pray for us as well. May God’s Grace continue to be sufficient for us, through the intercessions of Saint Anna. Welcome back to your spiritual home!

Most Resp.,

Rev. Dr. Christopher Flesoras

Rev. Fr. Seraphim Ivey

Rev. Dn. Joseph Ruocco Brown

A reflection on our state of affairs

For the past several months we had to battle covid-19 (we are actually still doing so). Now, sadly, after months of isolation from the threat of this disease, we are again confronted with another isolating disease that has to one degree or another plagued humanity, almost from its beginning. 

As His Eminence clearly stated in His pastoral writing, it is the disease and sin of racism. Thanks be to God, it’s not inherent to our personhood, yet at times it does plague humanity. For this reason we must never forget that as Christians we too proclaim as did St. Paul, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” 

Logically although sadly, there are times that we might need to be reminded that all of us were created in God’s image; there isn’t one individual upon the face of the earth who wasn’t created so. Moreover, those of us who were baptized in His name become brothers and sisters in Christ - we proclaim the same Orthodox faith; we gather in the same churches and; we receive from the same chalice. And let us not forget that together we commemorate and petition His Holy ones, the Saints, who in each and every generation were well pleasing to Him - young and older, male and female, those who persevered in virginity and those who married, those who died naturally and those who were martyred, those who were poor and those who were wealthy, all of whom were of particular lands and spoke various tongues yet embraced the same Orthodox Christian Faith. 

It is therefore fitting for us to begin the erinika (the first set of petitions) with the petition “In peace let us pray to the Lord.”  In this first of the eleven petitions, we beseech the Prince of Peace for peace in the world, not a peace of this world.  The peace we long for is an internal peace.  It is a peace which reaches the depths of the human heart and cleanses it from evil passions, making each of us truly free and joyful as citizens of the Kingdom that is here and now, but also not yet.

As the world (and each of us living in it) may continue to struggle with a myriad of sins, may we never cease from gazing upon the Holy and Life-giving Cross. For it was upon this Cross, His Cross, that the peace from above was sealed for us once and for all and that we find healing from every disease. 

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, and good will towards all!”  

+fr. Christopher 

Thank you to the Stewards of our Parish

Christ is Risen!

Continued gratitude to Fr. Seraphim, Dn, Joseph, our Parish Council, Morfoula and all of our stewards for the blessings of our Saint Anna Parish. Thanks be to God, even in the midst of a pandemic, we gather for prayer (granted, online), minister to one another through phone calls and social media, continue to study our Faith, bring our youth together in virtual fellowship, provide benevolence/funding for those in need - fellow parishioners, individuals within our region - and support the work of our Metropolis, our Archdiocese and our beneficiaries, all unto the glory of God.

Thank you for your acclimating to this reality (which, thanks be to God is only temporary)!

Thank you for your faithfulness and for your prayers!

Thank you for creativity ministering unto others! 

Thank you for supporting the ministries of our Parish, Metropolis and Archdiocese!

Thank you for your love of Christ and His Church!

Thank you for the joys that are realized in being attached to this blessed Parish! 

May God, keep each of you in His care, 

Christ is Risen! 

+fr. christopher

Holy Thursday All Night Psalm Reading Vigil

Please follow the link below and sign up for the time slot that you'd like:


Since this is not going to be done through Zoom, you may begin anywhere that you like, following the guidelines posted below: 

The Psalms are read, not in a normal reading tone, but in a kind of "recitative" or monotone, which may most easily be executed by beginning as if to sing on one note which is convenient for one's voice, and then continuing to read on this same note. No particular expression should be given to any words or phrases, and the voice should not drop at the end of any phrase, but should remain always at about the same level, yet without any attempt to pronounce every word in an artificially uniform or featureless manner. The reading should be slow enough that the words can be understood, but not so slow that an effect of "dragging" is created. This traditional church reading, which with practice comes to seem very natural, is immediately distinct from worldly reading (as of newspapers), and helps set the proper tone in which the sacred words can enter one's heart. At the end of every section of every kathisma, (8 Psalms)  the following words are read in the same tone of voice, or actually sung on one note: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia glory to Thee, O God. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God. Alleluia, alleluia alleluia, glory to Thee, O God. Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Then the next section is begun.  

Again, our thanks to all for your understanding, flexibility and heartfelt prayers for everyone at St. Anna's and the greater world beyond our walls as well. 

May God's grace ever continue to cover us as we make our procession with Him towards His crucifixion, burial and Glorious Resurrection on the Third Day.

Supporting the Ministries of St. Anna Parish


Even though we are unable to physically attend services together, we can and must still labor to achieve the high calling of our Orthodox Christian Faith – to put God first, to provide for the ministries of His Church, and to provide for others.

To access the app/website to make your contributions:

  1. Click on App Store on your mobile phone.

  2. Choose search and type in Church Center App.

  3. Click “get” on Church Center App and follow directions.

  4. When the app is opened, scroll down to or search for St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church, click and follow directions.

Currently, there are five categories of giving, specific to the Season:

  1. Stewardship – Funds in support of our operational budget.

  2. General - Our regular Sunday offerings that are used for general purposes.

  3. Candles -  Candles will be lit for those who donate to this line.

  4. Benevolence - Monies designated for parishioners / community members in financial need.

  5. Philoptochos “Friends of the Poor” – Supporting the philanthropic work of our Philoptochos.

If you wish to donate without downloading the app, simply put in the amount and text it to 84321Follow the prompts, providing the requested information for the initial set-up.  After this, we can automatically text amounts to give and send to 84321.

For those without a mobile phone, the giving site can be accessed at: https://saintanna.churchcenter.com 

Thanks be to God for such technologies that allow us to support our Parish and our ministries.  May we continue to navigate these days of Great and Holy Lent with wisdom, with Grace, with love, and with hope unto healing and salvation.