St. Baldrick's scheduled for February 29th!


Father Christopher, Father Seraphim, Bill Alexiou, Tim Burkhard and a few of our other beloved stewards are again honored to participate in the annual St. Baldrick’s fundraiser at the Westfield Galleria on February 29 at noon as members of “The Bald and Beautiful.” Last year their team and other stewards raised over $30,000!  This event hosted by Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance benefits childhood cancer research, while the Keaton's Child Cancer Alliance gives hope to every family who has a child with cancer, Please keep these children, their families, and friends as well as physicians, nurses and researchers who provide care, healing, and hope in your prayers.

Now we need your help! Will you make a donation? Every dollar makes a difference for the thousands of infants, children, teens, and young adults fighting childhood cancers.  Please consider supporting us in our fundraising goals.

To donate towards Fr. Christopher’s goal:
To donate toward Fr. Seraphim’s goal:

To donate toward Bill Alexiou’s goal:

To donate toward Tim Burkhard’s goal:

To donate toward Nicholas Pasco’s goal:

St. Baldrick’s Bald and Beautiful Team 


o   Kyle Raphael, Keaton’s Child Alliance

o   John Allard, Mayor of Roseville

o   Bruce Houdesheldt, Roseville City Council Member

o   Dr. Tim Herman, Former Roseville City Council Member

o   Doug Wagemann, President of the Roseville Chamber of Commerce

o   Father Christopher Flesoras & Father Seraphim Ivey, St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church

o   Justin Clark & Jeremiah Smith, First Northern Bank and Jeremiah’s son Brady

o   Mike Isom & Mark Riffey, City of Roseville


o   Mark Riffey, Roseville Electric and his son Evan 

o   Aldo Pineschi, Tommy Apostolos Fund

o   Tim Burkhard, DT Engineering Associates Inc

Event: Westfield Galleria At Roseville Hosted by Keaton's Child Cancer Alliance

Feb 29, 2020 • 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

At: Westfield Galleria At Roseville

1151 Galleria Blvd., Roseville, CA US

Summer Camp Registration (Session One)

Although summer is months ahead, spaces for the Metropolis Summer Camping Program at Saint Nicholas Ranch are filling up.  As in past years and on account of our Feast Day being later in the month, we would ask that youth from our Parish attend the first session of Camp, July 12-18. This year, Fr. Christopher will be in attendance to assist with the Program.  Please go to to complete the registration process. If your family has questions, please contact Fr. Seraphim or Fr. Christopher at your convenience.  

Camp Promo Photos39.jpg

Festival Drawing Prize Requests

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

We are very excited and looking forward to another successful St Anna Greek Food and Wine Festival on May 22, 23, 24, 2020.  

We are building our sanctuary and your generous support for The Festival Drawing is needed with a donation of a prize(s) to be awarded.   Please tell us about any possible donors that you may know personally or local businesses and ask them if they can donate a prize for the drawing.  You may also get together with friends and purchase a prize to donate.

Prize donors will receive recognition of their generosity in our newsletter, website, printed on the drawing ticket itself, in the event program and live at the event.

Two of the prizes for this year have been identified:

·      Grand Prize:  Courtesy of Knoblich/Mabery (5) five night stay on the Big Island of Hawaii including airfare for two.

·      $250 Amazon Gift Card:  Courtesy of Elaine and Steve Pappas.

Some ideas of additional Prizes we need:

·      Winery Gift/tour/tasting party

·      A staycation at a home in Lake Tahoe

·      Photography Classes

·      Gym membership

·      Sport Event Tickets

·      Concert tickets 

·      Restaurant Gift Cards or Certificates

·      Gift Certicates from area merchants, such as Costco, Home Depot, etc. 

The goal is to make it fun and exciting for all, increasing possible ticket sales.  People spend more when there are more chances of scoring a good prize(s).

Please feel free to contact Judith Thompson if you can donate or have any questions.  Email: or by Phone: 650-520-7418.

With love in Christ, 

Judith and Mark Thompson

Drawing Co-Chairs

2020 Three Hierarchs Academic Lecture, Feb 8

We are pleased to announce that Rev. Fr. Duane Johnson will be the speaker at the 2020 Three Hierarch Academic Lecture, scheduled for Feb. 8 at 6:30pm. His topic for the evening will be “Justifying Galatians.” Please plan on joining us on Feb 8 as we welcome Fr. Duane and Presbytera Sandra to our Parish.

About Fr. Duane & Presbytera Sandra Johnson

Reverend Father Duane Johnson serves at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation in Baltimore, MD. A native of Ohio, Fr. Duane served in the U.S. Army from 1975-1979.  By 1985 he earned both an undergraduate and a graduate degree in Anthropology from Ohio State University. He graduated from St. Vladimir’s Seminary in 1997 with an MDiv degree.   

He and his family returned to Maryland where he began his priestly ministry at the Orthodox Church of St. Matthew (OCA) in Columbia, MD. He was received into the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in 2014. In 2018 the Orthodox Center for the Advancement of Biblical Studies (OCABS) published his first book, “To the Galatians: A Translation and Commentary."  In his review of the book Creighton University Professor Dr. Nicolae Roddy writes that Fr. Duane “…reads St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians with close fidelity to the text, the result of which is to hear the text as Scripture, offering a hermeneutical advantage often missed in Pauline studies.” Fr. Duane is currently working on his second book.

Presbytera Sandra Stanar-Johnson has been an employee of the National Security Agency since 1986 where she is currently a senior executive leader. She was born in West Virginia, and she worked as a journalist in both international and domestic assignments before earning an M.A. degree in Islamic History. She has written a book "God's Child Andrew" (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1998), and it tells the story of their son Andrew who died in an automobile accident in 1993.

Father Duane and Presbytera Sandra have two children, both 27 years in age: their daughter, Ariana; and an adopted daughter, Maricela, who is from Guatemala.

Saint anna GIVING tree


Merry Christmas!

The season of giving is very much upon us. This year, St.Anna’s Christmas Giving Tree is decorated with the names and wishlists of Roseville City School District school children in much need of our support.

We have a unique opportunity to open our hearts and share our faith, love, prayers and generosity with six children from four families. Please take a moment to read a brief biography of each family located below.  

Each child has provided a Christmas wish list. These wish list items are written on the Giving Tree ornaments that you will find in the Narthex, hanging from the Giving Tree beginning tomorrow afternoon, December 12th. Please select as many ornaments as you would like, fulfill the request, wrap your gift, attach your ornament to your gift with the recipient’s initials/gender/age, face up, and place your gift or gifts into the Giving Tree Collection Box located next to the Giving Tree. Christmas cards are most welcome too. Gift deliveries will be coordinated with each family once all of their gifts have been received. Our final day of collection will be Sunday December 22nd.  

For questions, please contact Lori Christensen. Cell: 916.300.3001/E-mail: 

*In addition, if you would like to support our annual Toys for the Troops’ Kids Toy Drive, a labeled collection box will remain in the Narthex through Sunday December 22nd. All brand new and unwrapped toys are welcome and most appreciated. 

St. Anna’s Giving Tree 2019 Family Information

Family 1: This family is having major financial challenges. Dad was recently reunited with his son and they currently live alone. The child, whose initials are L.A., is a second grade boy. He is new to his elementary school, the area, and has no other family. L.A. is an incredible kid who loves his dad and the friends he has made at school.

Family 2: G.G. is an 8th grade girl who attends a local middle school. She lives with her mom and they have been homeless for some time. School is a challenge for her due to her present life circumstances. Fortunately, she has made a great connection with a teacher at school and is motivated to do great things. She says she “just needs some support” and she “will do her best.”

Family 3: K.W. and K.R. are new to Roseville. Cousins, who have suffered much trauma in their young lives, they both live with their grandma. Grandma has already raised her own children and is now “mom” to K.W, a Kindergarten girl and K.R, a second grade boy. Grandma works hard to provide these two children with a great life, but the cost of living and the challenges of raising little ones is difficult. These kids are amazing and grateful for the love and generosity they receive.

Family 4: H.M.C, a second grade boy and D.M.C, a fifth grade girl, are new to their elementary school. According to their principal, they are the most positive, motivated little people he has come across in many years. H.M.C. and D.M.C. currently live with extended family due to the terminal illness of their mother. Their grandmother goes the extra mile to ensure they are cared for but she is in desperate need of support. The kids understand their mom is sick so they are fine not having things. These two children are so deserving of receiving some joy this holiday season. 

Congratulations to Natali Avelino


At the close of the Divine Liturgy commemorating the Feast of the Conception St. Anna, under our flag pole, dedicated to the men and women of our Armed Force Natali Avelino was sworn in as the new Religious Affairs Airman (RAA) for the northern Religious Support Team (RST) of the 195th Wing of the California Air National Guard. We offer our prayers for SSgt Avelino as well as the Airmen of the 195th Wing, and all who serve in our Armed Forces. Congratulations and every blessing!

Kids Shopping Day with TAF on Dec 7. We need your help!

Kid’s Shopping Day


This year’s Kid’s Shopping Day will be held on Saturday, December 7th, 2019 at Kohl’s.
If you would like to volunteer for this event, please click here and fill out the contact form!

We are excited for this year’s Kid’s Shopping Day, expecting over 500 children and 800 volunteers! For the children, this is a chance to choose new clothes, shoes, and essentials for themselves during the holiday season. For the adult volunteers, it is an amazing opportunity to help bring joy to Roseville children. Join us on the best day of the year. You won’t be sorry you volunteered!

If you would like to volunteer, please click here and fill out the contact information. Please arrive no later than 5:30 AM. To save time at check-in, download your release form (Volunteer Form) and bring it with you that morning. Please note, you must bring your driver’s license (or other state issued ID) in with you to the volunteer check-in the morning of the Shopping Day. Sorry – no one under 18 is allowed to shop with a child.

Shopping Location:

10375 Fairway Drive
Roseville, CA

For questions please contact:

Fall 2019 Update Jennifer Rice (Guatemala): Day by Day Through Your Prayers...


Fall 2019 Update: Day by Day Through Your Prayers...
Jennifer Rice, OCMC Missionary

Traveling in the Western Highlands of Guatemala, often involves traversing bumpy terrain in the church van to reach one of the over 80 communities Fr. Evangelios personally serves as their spiritual father under the blessing of Metropolitan Athenagoras of Mexico City. During these visits, we are blessed to join the faithful in celebrating the community’s feast day and feasts of the Church, blessing of new building projects, as well as sacraments of baptisms, chrismations, and weddings. It is a joy to be present to celebrate together such historic moments and personally see first-hand the fruits of labors of Fr. Evangelios, Fr. Mihail, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Alexios, and Fr. Blas tending to their flock of tens of thousands in over a hundred communities in Guatemala and Southern Mexico.
The daily rhythm of living in the rural village of Aguacate in Guatemala also includes the unique opportunity to eat meals with Fr. Evangelios, the seminarians studying at the Seminary of St. Andrew, medical students serving in the San Andres Medical Clinic in Aguacate, missionary colleagues, as well as visiting guests. By the grace of God, over the years our household has slowly expanded, which even necessitated building a larger dining table because at any given time there are about 20 individuals coming together at each meal to break bread. However, for us instead of bread, it is often tortillas we have at our meals!
And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they partook of food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.
-Acts 2:46-7 RSV

It is through your continued prayers and support, we assist as God sees fit in continuing the legacy of Fr. Andrés Girón, of blessed memory. From where I sit at the dining table in Aguacate, I can see of photo of him preaching and I am reminded of the example he set forth. Fr. Andrés was not only a priest, but also advocated for the rights of the indigenous people of Guatemala. His most important ministry was as the spiritual leader of his clergy and people, which would later result in a mass conversion of tens of thousands of people to the Orthodox Church. He gave everything he had, his life, and his very breath for others. We are inspired by his example to do the same to the best of our abilities.

Each of us come to the table humbly to offer our respective gifts, talents, and prayers for the mission. I continue to assist the growing Church in Guatemala by being involved in the liturgical music instruction, supporting the Orthodox Christian Mission Center’s efforts in producing publications for use with indigenous clergy and catechists in the metropolis, assisting with the Seminary of St. Andrés and the receiving and hosting of mission teams.

Although there are thousands of miles that separate us, you are very much co-laborers in this work. We are forever grateful for joining us in the growing missionary efforts of Orthodoxy in Latin America. Let us pray that the Lord continues to add to our numbers day by day.

With Gratitude,

Jennifer Rice
OCMC Missionary to
Guatemala & Southern Mexico
November 2019, a medical mission team provided care to over 250 individuals at the San Andrés Medical Clinic in Aguacate, Guatemala!Fr. Evangelios, seminarians & missionary colleagues with Fr. Alexios, acolytes, & choir of the parish of Most Holy Theotokos of Perpetual Help in Tajumuco, Guatemala at the conclusion of their feast day celebrations.

His Eminence Athenagoras of Mexico City, celebrating Pascha in Aguacate, Guatemala.



You monthly support through OCMC designated in my name is one of the best ways to ensure that my missionary service continues.
Will you join me by becoming a prayer partner & offering a recurring gift?

Yours truly with photo of Fr. Andrés Girón of blessed memory in the background.CLICK HERE TO OFFER YOUR MONTHLY SUPPORT!