A Prayer for the Construction of a New Temple

O Lord Jesus Christ our God, Cornerstone of Your holy Church, Giver of every good gift, the One who first loved us, look down upon us Your people who desire to build a temple unto Your glory in memory of Your Saint Anna and grant us the wisdom, strength, and resources to accomplish this task in accordance with Your will. Remember the friends and benefactors of this parish who support the construction of this holy temple and bless them with Your good things. And as You did proclaim that even if Your disciples were silent, the very stones would cry out, so also grant that this holy temple may proclaim You and draw all who dwell in this city and county to worship You in spirit and in truth. Inflame our hearts with love for You that we may offer to You ourselves and all You have given us to the glory of Your holy Name.  

For You are the true Philanthropist—the Lover of Mankind—and to You we send up glory, together with Your eternal Father, and Your most holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.  
