Exercise and Physical Activity

These resources are not intended to replace consultation with the appropriate health professional, including physician, psychologist, marriage and family therapist, exercise professional, etc.  If you are experiencing any mental or medical emergency, call 9-1-1, or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 1-800-273-8255 (press 1 at the prompt if you are a veteran)

  • Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (help you decide if it is safe to start an experience program or consult your physician first): https://www.verywellfit.com/physical-activity-readiness-questionnaire-3120277

  • VA Motivating Overweight Veterans Everywhere (MOVE!) Program Handouts: https://www.move.va.gov/handouts.asp

  • Ornish Lifestyle Medicine: Fitness Workouts for Reversing Disease https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLglFExOeYAZhOXn7MwIZBSCr2w8qrk6gm

  • The Exercise and Cancer Integrative Therapy Education Program (ExCITE) at Henry Ford is a form of Integrative Medicine that uses an exercise regimen to improve cancer treatment results and quality of life for cancer patients and survivors. These videos bring the benefits of ExCITE right to your home: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeIzx72H9_20u6-a5jfyn-yynCh-YaMgl

  • VA Gerofit Program: https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/gerofitexercise

  •  Seated Core Strengthening Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EePa6p_0dn8 This #GerofitExercise session is a 21-minute seated core strengthening routine with exercise physiologist Katie Althius from the Department of Veterans Affairs Gerofit Program. This routine is designed for individuals of all abilities and can perform entirely from the comfort of a chair. Exercise is great for your physical, mental, and emotional health, especially as you age. During the current times, it's important to find ways to exercise from home.

  •  Core Strengthening and Back Pain Prevention Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR7rjAUX6Xc This #GerofitExercise session is a 34-minute core strengthening and back pain prevention routine with exercise physiologist Toby Wellington from the Department of Veterans Affairs Gerofit Program. This routine is designed for individuals of all abilities and can be performed on the floor or from the comfort of a chair.

  •  10 Minute Cardio Circuit For All Abilities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEfqzETvkJg This #GerofitExercise session is a 10-minute cardio circuit exercise routine with exercise physiologist Kenneth Manning from the Department of Veterans Affairs Gerofit program. This low impact routine is designed for moderate intensity and is built for individuals of all abilities. The best part is that it can be done from anywhere!

  • Cardio Boxing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqKT_IDCUF8 This #GerofitExercise session is a 36-minute cardio boxing routine with exercise physiologist Alexis Peterman from the Department of Veterans Affairs Gerofit Program. This routine is designed for individuals of all abilities and can be performed either standing or from the comfort of a chair.

  • Full Body Home Exercise Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZDX7FMqt7U This #GerofitExercise session is a 35-minute full-body exercise routine with exercise physiologist Kenneth Manning and four Veterans from the Department of Veterans Affairs Gerofit program. This low impact routine is designed for low to moderate intensity and is designed for individuals of all abilities.

  • Weighted Bar Strengthening Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvDOGQCNWEk This #GerofitExercise session is a 29-minute weighted bar strengthening routine with exercise physiologist Jim Kostra from the Department of Veterans Affairs Gerofit program. This moderate intensity routine is designed for individuals of all abilities

  • Level 3 Full Body Workout (moderate to vigorous intensity): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6nW2OG1k50 This #GerofitExercise session is a one hour full-body exercise routine with exercise physiologist Kenneth Manning and a Veteran from the Department of Veterans Affairs Gerofit program. This low impact routine is designed to be of moderate to somewhat vigorous intensity and is designed for individuals that are currently exercising. Try this workout after mastering the Gerofit level 1 total body 36 minute video.

VA Whole Health Program

National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD)

American College of Sports Medicine

American Heart Association